首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Beta-blockers and anesthetic preconditioning: friend or foe?

Beta-blockers and anesthetic preconditioning: friend or foe?


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To the Editor: We read with interest the recently-published article by Yu and Beattie reporting a meta-analysis investigating the effects of volatile anesthetics on morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. It was reported that volatile anesthetics do not reduce mortality compared to iv anesthesia, but reduce postoperative levels of troponin I as a marker of myocardial ischemic damage. Strikingly, patients receiving iv anesthetics had a significantly higher incidence (28%) of beta-blocker utilization compared to patients receiving volatile anesthetics. This is an extraordinarily important finding. Yu and Beattie conclude that "some myocardial protective effects of the inhalation anesthetics may have been counteracted as beta-blocker utilization was unequally distributed...". We agree with this conclusion insofar as the disproportion of beta-blocker use may have influenced the results. However, we surmise that concurrent beta-blocker therapy inhibited the cardioprotective effects of volatile anesthetics and that the beneficial effects of the volatile anesthetics would have been even more pronounced, if no beta block-ers had been used at all. This contention is derived from the fact that volatile anesthetic preconditioning is mediated by beta-adrenergic signalling. Unspecific blockade of beta-adrenergic receptors abrogates des-flurane-induced preconditioning in isolated human atrial myocardium. Furthermore, volatile anesthetic preconditioning is abolished by concurrent blockade of beta_1-adrenergic receptors by esmolol and downstream protein kinase A by the selective blocker H-89 in the rabbit heart in vivo. This result can also be obtained using the beta_1 selective blocker metopro-lol.
机译:致编辑:我们感兴趣地阅读了Yu和Beattie最近发表的文章,该文章报告了一项荟萃分析,研究了挥发性麻醉药对冠状动脉搭桥术患者的发病率和死亡率的影响。据报道,与静脉麻醉相比,挥发性麻醉药并没有降低死亡率,但是降低了肌钙蛋白I作为心肌缺血损伤的标志物的术后水平。令人惊讶的是,与接受挥发性麻醉剂的患者相比,接受静脉麻醉剂的患者使用β受体阻滞剂的发生率显着更高(28%)。这是非常重要的发现。 Yu和Beattie得出结论,“由于β受体阻滞剂的使用不均等,吸入麻醉药的某些心肌保护作用可能已被抵消……”。就β受体阻滞剂的使用比例不均可能影响结果而言,我们同意这一结论。但是,我们推测,同时使用β受体阻滞剂会抑制挥发性麻醉剂的心脏保护作用,并且如果根本不使用β受体阻滞剂,则挥发性麻醉剂的有益作用会更加明显。这种争论源于以下事实:挥发性麻醉剂的预处理是由β-肾上腺素信号传导介导的。 β-肾上腺素受体的非特异性阻断消除了des-呋喃诱导的人心房心肌预处理。此外,在体内,艾司洛尔同时阻断β_1-肾上腺素能受体和选择性阻滞剂H-89同时阻断下游蛋白激酶A,从而消除了挥发性麻醉剂的预处理。该结果也可以使用β_1选择性阻滞剂美托洛尔获得。



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