首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Management following resuscitation from cardiac arrest: recommendations from the 2003 Rocky Mountain Critical Care Conference.

Management following resuscitation from cardiac arrest: recommendations from the 2003 Rocky Mountain Critical Care Conference.


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PURPOSE: To propose a strategy for the management of patients admitted to critical care units after resuscitation from cardiac arrest. SOURCE: Prior to the conference relevant studies were identified via literature searches and brief reviews circulated on the following topics: glucose and blood pressure management; therapeutic hypothermia; prearrest outcome prediction; post-arrest outcome prediction; and management of myocardial ischemia. Two days were devoted to assessing evidence and developing a management strategy at the conference. Consensus opinion of conference participants [intensive care unit (ICU) physicians] was used when high grade evidence was unavailable. Additional literature searches and data grading were performed post-conference. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: High grade evidence was lacking in most areas. Specific goals of treatment were proposed for: general care; neurologic care; respiratory care; cardiac care; and gastrointestinal care. There was adequate evidence to recommend therapeutic hypothermia for comatose patients who had witnessed ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia arrests. Conference participants supported extending therapeutic hypothermia to other presenting rhythms in selected circumstances. Additional goals included mean arterial pressure 80 to 100 mmHg, glucose 5 to 8 mmol.L(-1) using insulin infusions, and PaO(2) > 100 mmHg for the first 24 hr. Absent withdrawal to pain 72 hr after resuscitation should prompt consideration of palliative care. The level of evidence for other recommendations was low. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed management strategy represents an approach to manage patients in the ICU following resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Most of the recommendations are based on low grade evidence. Additional research is needed to improve the evidence base. A standard post-arrest management strategy could help facilitate future research.
机译:目的:为心脏骤停复苏后重症监护病房的患者提出治疗策略。资料来源:在会议之前,通过文献检索和简短评论对有关研究进行了鉴定,这些评论涉及以下主题:血糖和血压管理;治疗性低温逮捕前结果预测;逮捕后结果预测;和心肌缺血的管理。会议上花了两天时间评估证据并制定管理策略。当无法获得高级证据时,使用会议参与者[重症监护病房(ICU)医师]的共识性意见。会议后进行了其他文献检索和数据分级。主要发现:在大多数领域都缺乏高质量的证据。针对以下方面提出了具体的治疗目标:神经科护理;呼吸系统护理;心脏保健;和胃肠道护理。有足够的证据建议对目睹室颤或室性心动过速停止的昏迷患者进行治疗性低温治疗。会议参加者支持在特定情况下将治疗性体温过低症扩展至其他出现的节律。其他目标包括使用胰岛素输注的平均动脉压80至100 mmHg,葡萄糖5至8 mmol.L(-1),以及在最初的24小时内PaO(2)> 100 mmHg。复苏后72小时未出现疼痛症状时,应立即考虑姑息治疗。其他建议的证据水平很低。结论:拟议的治疗策略代表了一种在心脏骤停复苏后对ICU患者进行治疗的方法。大多数建议基于低等证据。需要进一步的研究来改善证据基础。标准的逮捕后管理策略可能有助于促进未来的研究。



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