首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Patient satisfaction with anesthesia care: information alone does not lead to improvement: (La satisfaction du patient face a l'anesthesie : l'information ne suffit pas a l'amelioration).

Patient satisfaction with anesthesia care: information alone does not lead to improvement: (La satisfaction du patient face a l'anesthesie : l'information ne suffit pas a l'amelioration).


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PURPOSE: To evaluate if information campaigns and introduction of information leaflets lead to an improvement in patient satisfaction with anesthesia care. METHODS: In 2000, we carried out an assessment of patient satisfaction with anesthesia care. "Information/involvement in decision making" was identified as the worst problem area. The three hospitals involved in this study introduced strategies to improve this dimension of patient satisfaction by launching information campaigns, producing or improving information brochures (particularly in hospitals A and C), and by expanding the preanesthetic care unit (hospital B). In 2002, a second survey was carried out. Each of the hospitals sent questionnaires to 600 elective surgery patients after discharge. We compared the total problem scores (the percentage of patients who responded that a problem was present) and the problem scores for the dimension 'information/involvement in decision making' between 2000 and 2002. RESULTS: The total problem score (mean in %, 95% confidence interval) for all three hospitals together remained unchanged [19% (1)], as well as the problem scores for each hospital [hospital A 16% (1), hospital B 21% (1), hospital C 20% (1)]. The problem score for 'information/involvement in decision making' remained unchanged also: 31% (29-33) in 2000 compared to 28% (26-30) in 2002. CONCLUSION: Information campaigns and the introduction of information leaflets alone do not improve patient satisfaction with anesthesia care.
机译:目的:评估信息运动和信息传单的引入是否可以提高患者对麻醉护理的满意度。方法:2000年,我们对患者对麻醉护理的满意度进行了评估。 “信息/参与决策”被确定为最严重的问题领域。参与这项研究的三家医院通过开展信息宣传活动,制作或改进信息手册(特别是在医院A和C中)以及扩大麻醉前护理部门(医院B),引入了改善患者满意度的策略。 2002年,进行了第二次调查。出院后,每家医院均向600名择期手术患者发送了问卷。我们比较了总问题得分(回答存在问题的患者百分比)和2000年至2002年间“信息/决策参与”维度的问题得分。结果:总问题得分(平均值为%,三所医院的总置信区间(95%置信区间)保持不变[19%(1)],以及每家医院的问题评分[医院A 16%(1),医院B 21%(1),医院C 20% (1)]。 “信息/参与决策”的问题分数也保持不变:2000年为31%(29-33),而2002年为28%(26-30)。结论:仅开展信息运动和引入信息传单并没有提高患者对麻醉护理的满意度。



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