首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >The role of simulator-based assessments in physician competency evaluations.

The role of simulator-based assessments in physician competency evaluations.


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"...competence involves continuing professional development ... that is the really crucial thing, not just passing an examination." - Colette Bowe Members of a self-regulating profession such as medicine have an obligation to their professional body to ensure that their performance meets the expectations of a competent professional. The professions and the regulatory bodies that govern them have an obligation to the public to ensure that the members possess the necessary competencies for safe practice and to make certain that they are engaged in developing and updating these competencies. In the past, it was assumed that physicians in practice participated in professional development through a process of self-assessment and self-directed learning. Unfortunately, the evidence suggests that many physicians made little effort to do so. Perhaps many of them perceived no deficiencies in their knowledge base or practice patterns. However, people tend to hold overly favourable views of their own knowledge and abilities, and the least competent tend to have the most inflated self-assessments. As well, there is a poor correlation between physicians' self-assessments and those provided by external reviewers, indicating a limited ability on the part of physicians to self-determine their true personal need for education. Physicians with more experience are generally believed to have accumulated knowledge and skills during their years in practice, and such experience is thought to be equated with enhanced care.
机译:“……能力涉及持续的专业发展……这是真正关键的事情,而不仅仅是通过考试。” -科莱特·鲍伊(Colette Bowe)是诸如药物等自我调节性行业的成员,其专业团体有义务确保其表现达到合格专业人士的期望。专业人士和管理他们的监管机构有义务向公众保证成员具有安全实践所需的能力,并确保他们参与开发和更新这些能力。过去,人们认为实践中的医生通过自我评估和自我指导的学习过程参与了专业发展。不幸的是,有证据表明,许多医生很少为此付出努力。也许他们中的许多人认为自己的知识库或实践模式没有不足。但是,人们往往对自己的知识和能力持有过分的偏爱,而能力最弱的人往往具有最夸张的自我评估。同样,医生的自我评估与外部评审人员提供的评估之间也存在较弱的相关性,这表明医师自我决定自己对教育的真正需求的能力有限。一般认为,拥有更多经验的医师在实践中会积累多年的知识和技能,因此,这些经验被认为等同于加强护理。



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