首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Case report: bilateral femoral and sciatic regional anesthesia in a polytraumatized patient

Case report: bilateral femoral and sciatic regional anesthesia in a polytraumatized patient


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PURPOSE: To present a case requiring regional anesthesia for both lower limbs, and to highlight the considerations to avoid potential local anesthetic toxicity, as a result of high cumulative doses of local anesthetic in this setting. CLINICAL FEATURES: A 32-yr-old, obese (body mass index = 30.4 kg.m(-2)) woman required urgent, open reduction of bilateral ankle fractures. She also had facial, odontoid and pelvic fractures, and, in view of full stomach considerations, the anesthetic plan was to use regional anesthesia. Bilateral femoral and sciatic nerve blocks were performed, using a combination of ropivacaine and mepivacaine, with a 210-min interval between limbs. Blood samples were drawn 80 and 45 min after the first and second blocks, respectively, to measure plasma concentrations of the local anesthetics. Ropivacaine and mepivacaine concentrations were below reported toxic levels, and the patient underwent surgery successfully, without any symptoms suggestive of local anesthetic toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: Regional anesthetic techniques for the lower limb may require local anesthetic doses approaching toxic levels, especially when bilateral blocks are required. This case indicates that by considering the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of each agent, and by timing the blocks properly to minimize peak plasma concentrations, the potential for local anesthetic toxicity can be reduced.
机译:目的:介绍一种需要对双下肢进行局部麻醉的病例,并强调注意事项,因为这种情况下局部麻醉药的累积剂量很高,因此避免了潜在的局部麻醉药毒性。临床特征:一名32岁,肥胖(体重指数= 30.4 kg.m(-2))的女性需要紧急,开放地复位双侧踝关节骨折。她还患有面部,齿状突和骨盆骨折,并且考虑到充分的胃部考虑,麻醉计划是使用区域麻醉。使用罗哌卡因和甲哌卡因的组合进行双侧股骨和坐骨神经阻滞,四肢间隔为210分钟。分别在第一个和第二个阻滞后80分钟和45分钟抽取血样,以测量局部麻醉药的血浆浓度。罗哌卡因和米哌卡因的浓度低于报道的毒性水平,患者成功接受了手术,没有任何迹象表明存在局部麻醉毒性。结论:下肢局部麻醉技术可能需要局部麻醉剂量接近毒性水平,尤其是在需要双侧阻滞时。这种情况表明,通过考虑每种药物的药代动力学和药效学特征,并通过适当地定时进行阻断以最大程度降低血浆峰值浓度,可以降低局部麻醉毒性的可能性。



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