首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Population structure of long tailed hake Macruronus magellanicus in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans: Implications for fisheries management

Population structure of long tailed hake Macruronus magellanicus in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans: Implications for fisheries management

机译:长尾无须鳕Macruronus magellanicus在太平洋和大西洋的种群结构:对渔业管理的影响

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Pre-spawning adult samples of long tailed hake, Macruronus magellanicus, were obtained from fisheries vessels in one location in the southeast Pacific Ocean and three in the southwest Atlantic Ocean, at different latitudes. Population structure was determined based on six nuclear hypervariable microsatellite loci and on mitochondrial DNA sequence variation at the locus COI. Paired tests of genic differentiation for microsatellite loci indicate the existence of genetic population structure for this species, where significant differences exist between some southern and northern samples. Multivariate analysis (factorial correspondence analysis) of microsatellite variation showed differentiation between the Pacific and the Atlantic populations. Analysis of the mitochondrial variation confirmed the microsatellite analysis of population structure, and revealed some additional differentiation between northern and southern Atlantic samples and exclusive haplotypes in each region. These findings suggest that the species should be managed as north-south separate stocks in the Atlantic Ocean



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