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Physicochemical Changes during Ripening of Bananas Grown in Cameroon


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Physico-chemical changes in the fruits of five and nine cultivars of cooking and dessert banana respectively were determined. The ripening stage was defined in terms of peel colour changes from green to yellow. At harvest, the fruit girth and length as well as the peel thickness vary significantly (P<0.05) according to cultivars; cooking bananas exhibiting the highest values respectively (6.00 cm, 27.62 cm and 3.58 mm). During ripening, the peel dry matter content, pulp to peel ratio, total soluble solid and total titratable acidity of the pulp increased (from 8.63 to 24.20 g/100 g, 1.38 to 7.77, 1.27 to 19.3 g/l and 276.3 to 1491 mEq/100 g, respectively) while pulp firmness, pH and dry matter content of the pulps decreased respectively from 3.2 to0.15 kg/cm~2, 6.34 to 4.48 and 40.12 to 18 g/100 g. These physicochemical characteristics coupled to pulp colour, fruit girth and length as well as other sensorial parameters are actually used by Musa breeders at CARBAP and food processors in Cameroon for the creation and selection of new hybrids with high agronomic performance and accepted by consumers as well as the production of good quality Mz/sa-derived foods, respectively.
机译:确定了五个和九个烹饪香蕉和甜点香蕉的果实的理化变化。根据果皮颜色从绿色变为黄色来定义成熟阶段。收获时,果实的周长和长度以及果皮的厚度根据品种而有显着差异(P <0.05)。蒸煮香蕉分别显示最高值(6.00厘米,27.62厘米和3.58毫米)。成熟期间,果肉的果皮干物质含量,果肉与果皮比率,果肉总可溶性固形物和总可滴定酸度增加(从8.63至24.20 g / 100 g,1.38至7.77、1.27至19.3 g / l和276.3至1491 mEq纸浆硬度,pH和干物质含量分别从3.2降至0.15 kg / cm〜2、6.34降至4.48和40.12降至18 g / 100 g。这些物理化学特征与果肉的颜色,果实的周长和长度以及其他感官参数相关,实际上是CARBAP的Musa育种者和喀麦隆的食品加工者实际使用的,用于创造和选择具有高农艺性能的新杂交种,并受到了消费者的认可。分别生产优质的Mz / sa衍生食品。



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