首页> 外文期刊>Foster Natural Gas Report >Texas Gas Must Pass Through Some Procedural Hoops Before Implementing New Pooling Arrangements

Texas Gas Must Pass Through Some Procedural Hoops Before Implementing New Pooling Arrangements


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On 11/26/13 FERC issued a suspension order subject to condition, to become effective 5/1/14, with respect to revised tariff records filed on October 31 in which Texas Gas Transmission, LLC (RP14-90) proposes to modify its pooling provisions set forth under Rate Schedule TAPS (Transportation Aggregation Pooling Service) and certain sections of its General Terms and Conditions. FERC said that Texas Gas’ proposal to modify its pooling provisions to: (1) consolidate the separate firm and interruptible pools of each rate zone into a single combination pool for each rate zone; (2) split Zone 1 into two pooling areas to address a constraint; and (3) permit inter-pool transportation, subject to applicable transportation charges, is just and reasonable. “The proposal would provide Texas Gas shippers with more pooling flexibility, while reducing administration burdens.” The Commission, however, will not permit the proposed changes to take effect on December 1, while granting a delayed implementation, as requested by Texas Gas. “It is misleading and unreasonable for an effective tariff to set forth services that the pipeline is not prepared to provide,” the order stated. Hence, its decision to suspend the proposed tariffs until the earlier of Texas Gas’ completion of the computer updates or 5/1/14.
机译:FERC于11/26/13发布了一项有条件的暂停订单,该订单将于10月31日生效,涉及10月31日提交的修订后的电价记录,其中Texas Gas Transmission,LLC(RP14-90)建议对其进行修改费率表TAPS(运输汇总汇总服务)及其一般条款和条件的某些部分中列出的汇总条款。 FERC表示,德克萨斯州天然气公司(Texas Gas)修改其合并条款的提案旨在:(1)将每个费率区的独立公司和可中断池合并为每个费率区的单个合并池; (2)将1区划分为两个池区以解决约束; (3)允许跨池运输是合理合理的,但要收取适用的运输费用。 “该提案将为德克萨斯州天然气的托运人提供更大的集合灵活性,同时减轻管理负担。”但是,委员会将不允许拟议的更改于12月1日生效,同时应德克萨斯州天然气公司的要求推迟实施。该命令说:“以有效的费率提供管道不准备提供的服务是误导和不合理的。”因此,该公司决定暂停拟议的关税,直到德克萨斯州天然气公司较早完成计算机更新或2014年5月1日为止。



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