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Balances: Reflexions, actions and opportunities for the promotion of sports and physical activities


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The increase of sedentary lifestyle in the French population and the decrease in the time daily devoted to physical activity has raised public concerns. Promotional campaigns to raise energy expenditure and health awareness have recently increased. Nevertheless, although the recognition of such an imbalance is becoming more evident in the population, a real beneficial modification is still far from a full success. Numerous working groups are seeking to broaden the scope of action and take advantage of environments that facilitate the application of strategies. Local settings such as schools, businesses, urban authorities and sports representatives (clubs, leagues and associations) progressively increase their engagement. Through large collective participations gathered in the PNNS initiative (Plan National Nutrition Sante 2011 -2015), we may witness a growing investment in the energy balance, an area that has been neglected so far.
机译:法国人口久坐不动的生活方式的增加以及每天从事体育活动的时间的减少引起了公众的关注。最近增加了提高能源消耗和健康意识的宣传运动。尽管如此,尽管人们普遍意识到这种不平衡,但真正有益的改变远未取得完全成功。许多工作组正在寻求扩大行动范围,并利用有利于战略应用的环境。学校,企业,城市当局和体育代表(俱乐部,联赛和协会)等当地环境逐渐增加了他们的参与度。通过参加PNNS计划(计划国家营养计划Sante 2011 -2015)的大规模集体参与,我们可能会看到对能量平衡的投资不断增加,而这一领域迄今为止一直被忽视。



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