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Structure and floristics of an old secondary rain forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, and a comparison with adjacent primary forest


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The study of tropical secondary forests, and of the time taken for them to revert to 'primary' forest, is of increasing importance given the current global destruction of tropical rain forests. We describe a 55-year-old secondary rain forest at Barito Ulu, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, and compare it with the adjacent, undisturbed, primary forest. Three 0.25 ha plots were set up in each forest type and all stems over 10 cm dbh were measured and identified, soil samples were taken and analysed, and the composition of the seed bank was examined. Although the basal area, tree height and biomass of the old secondary forest approached that of the primary forest (82% for basal area, 88% for tree height and 74% for biomass), there were still major differences in the floristics and species diversity. The old secondary forest was dominated by Cratoxylon arborescens (Hypericaceae) and Pternandra caerulescens (Melastomataceae), whereas the primary forest was dominated by dipterocarps. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index was 3.40 for the old secondary forest plots and 4.17 for the primary forest plots; the Jaccard's coefficient of similarity was 24%. Mortality, recruitment, turnover and tree growth rates were greater in the old secondary forest. The seed bank of the old secondary forest contained more than double the number of seeds of the primary forest seed bank and many more seeds were of shrub species; there were the same number of species in the two forests seed banks. There were no major differences between the two forest types in terms of soil chemistry. Despite the close proximity to potential seed sources. succession in the Barito Ulu area has proceeded more slowly than in some other tropical areas. This may be due to the low concentrations of soil nutrients and/or the poor dispersal of dipterocarp seeds. Fifty-five years of succession is concluded to be insufficient time for the return of most primary forest species. However, the forest structure of the old secondary forest shows a closer resemblance to the primary forest than does the floristic composition.
机译:鉴于目前热带雨林的全球破坏,对热带次生林及其恢复为“原始”林所花费的时间的研究变得越来越重要。我们描述了印度尼西亚加里曼丹中部Barito Ulu拥有55年历史的次生雨林,并将其与邻近的未受干扰的原始森林进行了比较。在每种森林类型中建立了三个0.25公顷的样地,对10 cm dbh以上的所有茎进行了测量和鉴定,采集了土壤样品并进行了分析,并检查了种子库的组成。尽管旧次生林的基础面积,树高和生物量接近原始林(基础面积为82%,树高为88%,生物量为74%),但植物区系和物种多样性仍存在较大差异。古老的次生林主要由乔木科(Cratoxylon arborescens)和霸王草(Pternandra caerulescens)(Melastomataceae)主导,而原始林则由罗汉果(Depteropcarps)主导。旧次生林地的香农-维纳多样性指数为3.40,主要林地的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为4.17; Jaccard的相似系数为24%。在古老的次生林中,死亡率,招聘,营业额和树木生长率更高。旧的次生林的种子库所含种子数量是原始森林种子库的两倍以上,并且更多的种子是灌木树种。两个森林种子库中的物种数量相同。就土壤化学而言,两种森林类型之间没有重大差异。尽管非常接近潜在的种子来源。 Barito Ulu地区的演替进展比其他一些热带地区要慢。这可能是由于土壤养分含量低和/或罗汉果种子的分散性差。得出的结论是,连续55年的时间不足以返回大多数原始森林物种。然而,与植物组成相比,旧的次生林的森林结构与原生林的相似性更高。



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