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Plantarflexion opening wedge medial cuneiform osteotomy for correction of fixed forefoot varus associated with flatfoot deformity.


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BACKGROUND: Flatfoot presents as a wide spectrum of foot deformities that include varying degrees of hindfoot valgus, forefoot abduction, and forefoot varus. Medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy, lateral column lengthening, and subtalar fusion can correct heel valgus, but may not adequately correct the fixed forefoot varus component. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of plantarflexion opening wedge medial cuneiform (Cotton) osteotomy in the correction of forefoot varus. METHODS: Sixteen feet (15 patients) had plantarflexion opening wedge medial cuneiform osteotomies to correct forefoot varus associated with flatfoot deformities from several etiologies, including congenital flatfoot (six feet, average age 37 years), tarsal coalition (five feet, average age 15 years), overcorrected clubfoot deformity (two feet, ages 17 years and 18 years), skewfoot (one foot, age 15 years), chronic posterior tibial tendon insufficiency (one foot, 41 years), and rheumatoid arthritis (one foot, age 56 years). RESULTS: Standing radiographs showed an average improvement in the anterior-posterior talo-first metatarsal angle of 7 degrees (9 degrees preoperative, 2 degrees postoperative). The talonavicular coverage angle improved an average of 15 degrees (20 degrees preoperative, 5 degrees postoperative). The lateral talo-first metatarsal angle improved an average of 14 degrees (-13 degrees preoperative, 1 degree postoperative). Correcting for radiographic magnification, the distance from the mid-medial cuneiform to the floor on the lateral radiograph averaged 40 mm preoperatively and 47 mm postoperatively (average improvement 7 mm). All patients at followup described mild to no pain with ambulation. There were no nonunions or malunions. CONCLUSIONS: Opening wedge medial cuneiform osteotomy is an important adjunctive procedure to correct the forefoot varus component of a flatfoot deformity. Advantages of this technique in comparison to first tarsometatarsal arthrodesis include predictable union, preservation of first ray mobility, and the ability to easily vary the amount of correction. Because of the variety of hindfoot procedures done in these patients, the degree of hindfoot correction contributed by the cuneiform osteotomy alone could not be determined. We have had excellent results without major complications using this technique.
机译:背景:扁平足表现为足部畸形,包括不同程度的后足外翻,前足外展和前足内翻。跟骨内侧移位截骨术,外侧柱延长术和距骨下融合术可以矫正足跟外翻,但可能无法充分矫正固定的前足内翻组件。这项研究的目的是确定足底屈曲开口楔形楔形(Cotton)截骨术在前足内翻矫正中的有效性。方法:16足(15例患者)行足底屈曲楔形楔形内侧截骨术以纠正与多种病因相关的扁平足畸形相关的前足内翻,包括先天性扁平足(6英尺,平均年龄37岁),骨联合(5英尺,平均年龄15岁) ),过度矫正的马蹄内翻畸形(两只脚,年龄分别为17岁和18岁),歪斜脚(一只脚,年龄为15岁),慢性胫骨后肌腱功能不全(一只脚,年龄为41岁)和类风湿关节炎(一只脚,年龄为56岁) )。结果:站立的X线片显示前,后距骨第一first骨角平均改善7度(术前9度,术后2度)。距骨眼的覆盖角平均改善了15度(术前20度,术后5度)。距骨第一first骨外侧角平均改善14度(术前-13度,术后1度)。校正放射线放大倍率,术前平均40毫米,术后47毫米(平均改善7毫米),从中间楔形文字到外侧X射线照片上的地板的距离。随访时所有患者均描述有轻度至无疼痛的移动。没有骨不连或畸形人。结论:楔形楔形内侧楔形切开术是纠正扁平足畸形的前足内翻成分的重要辅助手术。与第一趾关节置换术相比,该技术的优势包括可预测的合并,保留的第一射线移动性以及易于改变校正量的能力。由于这些患者的后足手术方法多种多样,仅靠楔形截骨术无法确定后足矫正的程度。使用此技术,我们获得了出色的结果,而没有重大的并发症。



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