首页> 外文期刊>Folia Horticulturae >Effect of mixed cropping and plant extracts on the growth, yield and pest control of jute (Corchorus olitorius L.)

Effect of mixed cropping and plant extracts on the growth, yield and pest control of jute (Corchorus olitorius L.)

机译:混作和植物提取物对黄麻(Corchorus olitorius L.)生长,产量和害虫控制的影响

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This study investigated the effect of plant extracts (Azadirachta indica and Piper guineense) on the growth and yield of jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) (Cor) under sole and mixed cropping with Amaranthus hybridus (Ama) and Celosia argentea (Cel). The highest percentage increase in plant height, number of leaves, number of branches and stem girth (130.6, 865.0, 220.4 and 114.0%, respectively) was found in untreated Cor + Cel, Cypermethrin treated Cor + Ama, Cypermethrin treated Cor and A. indica extract treated Cor + Ama, respectively. The highest percentage increase in shoot weight (71.0%), marketable yield (53.9%) and total biomass (51.5%) was in A. indica treated C. olitorius. Extract treatment had no effect on the number of branches at four, fiveand seven weeks after planting (WAP) in Cor + Ama + Cel; four, five and six WAP in Cor + Cel; four and six WAP in Cor + Ama; as well as four and five WAP in Cor. The highest percentage increase in leaf fresh weight was obtained in Cypermethrin treated Cor (53.3%) and Cor + Ama + Cel (52.2%), while the smallest increase was in P. guineense treated Cor (1.1%) and Cor + Ama (2.5%). The activity of A. indica was independent of time of application while P. guineense was not. Among the extract treated groups,the highest percentage increase in shoot weight (71.0%), marketable yield (53.9%) and total biomass (51.5%) was in A. indica treated Cor. The activity of the extracts against insect pests of sole cropped Cor increased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing extract concentration. The highest efficiency with the use of P. guineense was 250 g dm3 at four, five and six WAP (94.0, 92.7 and 90.3%, respectively) and 200 mg dm~3 at seven WAP (81.7%). In the case of A. indica extract, the highest efficiency was found with the use of 200 g dm~3 at four, six and seven WAP (92.7, 85.3 and 100%, respectively). A. indica extract (250 g dm3) treatment gave the highest efficiency at five WAP (100%).
机译:这项研究调查了植物提取物(印度印hybrid(Azadirachta indica)和胡椒(Piper guineense))对黄and(Corchorus olitorius L.)(Cor)在单一和混合种植的mar菜(Amaanthus hybridus(Ama))和鸡冠花(Celosia argentea(Cel))的生长和产量的影响。在未经处理的Cor + Cel,经氯氰菊酯处理的Cor + Ama,经氯氰菊酯处理的Cor和A中,发现株高,叶数,分支数和茎周长的增幅最高(分别为130.6、865.0、220.4和114.0%)。 extract提取物分别处理Cor + Ama。 A稻处理后的C. olitorius的芽重(71.0%),可销售的产量(53.9%)和总生物量(51.5%)的增幅最高。在Cor + Ama + Cel中种植(WAP)后第4、5和7周,提取物处理对分枝数没有影响; Cor + Cel中的四个,五个和六个WAP; Cor + Ama中的四个和六个WAP;以及Cor中的四个和五个WAP氯氰菊酯处理的Cor(53.3%)和Cor + Ama + Cel(52.2%)的叶片鲜重增加最高,而P. guineense处理的Cor(1.1%)和Cor + Ama(2.5 %)。 A曲霉的活性与施药时间无关,而几内亚芥菜的活性则与施药时间无关。在提取物处理的组中,A.dica处理的Cor的枝条增重(71.0%),适销率(53.9%)和总生物量(51.5%)的增幅最高。随着提取物浓度的增加,提取物对单独种植的Cor的害虫的活性显着增加(p <0.05)。使用吉氏假单胞菌的最高效率是在四个,五个和六个WAP时分别为250 g dm3(分别为94.0%,92.7和90.3%)和在七个WAP时为200 mg dm〜3(81.7%)。以印度。草提取物为例,在四个,六个和七个WAP(分别为92.7、85.3和100%)下使用200 g dm〜3时,效率最高。 five树提取物(250 g dm3)处理在五次WAP(100%)下效率最高。



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