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The changing phenomenology of drug death over the years.


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When inspecting the scene the circumstances under which a body is found and the findings on the body surface may give first clues to premortal drug abuse. Besides fresh and/or old injection marks tattoos, underweight and signs of physical neglect, especially after long-term abuse, are mentioned in literature. The incidence of such externally visible physical signs of drug abuse was systematically investigated in 100 consecutive drug deaths occurring from 1995 to 1997. Sixty-eight percent of the bodies were found in the apartments of the deceased or those of friends, 11% in public restrooms or the washrooms of restaurants. The so-called body dumping was seen in three cases. In 61% externally visible, fresh injection marks were found; on dissection of the subcutaneous veins, residues of previous injections were found in 95% of the cases. Tattoos were present in 63%. In 8% there was clear evidence of physical neglect. Eighty-six percent of the drug victims had a normal nutritional status.
机译:在检查现场时,发现尸体的情况以及在尸体表面的发现可能会为滥用药物提供初步线索。除了新鲜和/或旧的注射标记纹身外,文献中还提到了体重过轻和身体被忽视的迹象,尤其是在长期滥用之后。在1995年至1997年间连续发生100例药物死亡中,系统地调查了这种从外部可见的药物滥用的体征。在死者或朋友的公寓中发现了68%的尸体,在公共厕所中发现了11%的尸体。或餐厅的洗手间。在三起案件中看到了所谓的尸体倾倒。在外部可见的61%中,发现了新的注射痕迹;在皮下静脉解剖中,在95%的病例中发现了先前注射的残留物。纹身的比例为63%。在8%的人中,有明显的身体疏忽的迹象。 86%的吸毒者营养状况正常。



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