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Sexual variation in bucco-lingual dimensions in Turkish dentition.


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Sexual differences in the human skeleton have been well studied in many populations. Odontometric analysis of the human sexual variation has been less investigated and mostly derived from the dentition of extinct populations. Turkey is situated in a unique location where populations from different regions mixed with each other and created a rich gene pool. One might anticipate that modern Turkish population is composed of genes from the Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, Iran and further as well as from ancient Romans, Byzantines, Arabs and Asiatic Turks. It is clear that contemporary Turks are a mixture of these extant and extinct people and ideal to consider it a representative study population. The purpose of this study is to analyze dental dimensions and sexual variation in living Turks and develop forensic techniques to identify human remains from the teeth when any other technique is not available or not reliable. The study is composed of Ankara University dental students (50 male and 50 female casts, average age of 21 years). Bucco-lingual breadths from 14 teeth (I1 through M2 of the maxilla and mandible) are taken from the left side and analyzed using the discriminant function statistics. An intraobserver error test did not indicate any statistically significant difference between any two measurements. Results of the study revealed that males exceeded females significantly (P<0.001) in dimensions. Coefficient of variation was most obvious in I1s and I2s of both jaws in both sexes. Stepwise discriminant function statistics suggested that upper C, and lower C and M2 are the most contributory teeth to the function. Additional formulae were calculated for situation in which only one or a fragmented jaw is available for identification. Overall accuracy of sex diagnosis ranged from 73 to 77%. In conclusion this research supports earlier studies that sexual dimorphism is population specific. While dental difference between the sexes in several human populations has been found highly dimorphic, it was notfound so in Turks and accuracy of classification remained low at about 77%. The difficulty or the lack of dimorphism comes from male subjects.
机译:在许多人群中,人体骨骼的性别差异已得到充分研究。有关人类性别变异的牙形学分析研究较少,并且大多来自灭绝种群的牙列。土耳其地处独特的地理位置,来自不同地区的人口相互混合,形成了丰富的基因库。可以预见,现代土耳其人口将由巴尔干,高加索,中东,伊朗以及远古罗马人,拜占庭人,阿拉伯人和亚洲土耳其人的基因组成。显然,当代土耳其人是这些现存和绝种人的混合体,理想的情况是将其视为有代表性的研究人群。这项研究的目的是分析生活中的土耳其人的牙齿大小和性别变异,并开发法医技术以在没有其他任何技术或不可靠的技术时从牙齿中识别出人体残骸。该研究由安卡拉大学的牙科学生组成(50名男性和50名女性演员,平均年龄21岁)。从左侧获取14个牙齿(上颌和下颌的I1至M2)的颊舌宽度,并使用判别函数统计数据进行分析。观察者内部错误测试未显示任何两次测量之间的任何统计学显着差异。研究结果表明,男性在尺寸上明显超过女性(P <0.001)。变异系数在男女的两个颚的I1和I2中最明显。逐步判别函数统计表明,较高的C以及较低的C和M2是对该函数最有帮助的牙齿。针对仅一个或一个不完整的颚可用于识别的情况,计算了其他公式。性别诊断的总体准确性在73%至77%之间。总之,这项研究支持了早期的研究,即性二态性​​是特定于人群的。虽然在几个人口中发现性别之间的牙齿差异非常双态,但在土耳其人中并没有发现,并且分类的准确性仍然很低,只有77%。二态性的困难或缺乏来自男性。



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