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Application of compact ultrasound imaging device to postmortem diagnosis.


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In regions with low autopsy rates, forensic examiners often have to rely on external findings. Imaging techniques can assist the external examination and provide a more objective diagnosis. The SonoSite 180, a portable ultrasound device, was used for the examination of dead bodies. The influence of different degrees of decomposition was estimated. Even in cases with intestinal gas formation images of internal organs could be obtained with special techniques. Various pathological findings were detected by ultrasound and verified by autopsy (e.g. pericardial tamponade, cardiac hypertrophy, fatty liver, aortic aneurysm, metastatic liver, etc.). The experiences with the SonoSite 180 are promising. The device can be carried to the death scene or to the morgue and therefore serve as a valuable tool for medicolegal applications.
机译:在尸检率较低的地区,法医检查员通常不得不依靠外部发现。成像技术可以帮助进行外部检查并提供更客观的诊断。 SonoSite 180是便携式超声设备,用于检查尸体。估计了不同分解程度的影响。即使在有肠气形成的情况下,也可以通过特殊技术获得内部器官的图像。通过超声检测并通过尸检验证各种病理结果(例如心包填塞,心脏肥大,脂肪肝,主动脉瘤,转移性肝等)。 SonoSite 180的使用经验很有希望。该设备可携带到死亡现场或太平间,因此可作为法医学应用的宝贵工具。



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