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CSPI Calls on FDA to Require Health Warnings on Sodas


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Teenage boys who drink carbonated or non-carbonated soft drinks consume an average of three 12-ounce cans per day; girls more than two cans, according to a new analysis of 1999-2002 government data. Teens who drink soft drinks get nearly 15% of theirtotal calories from those drinks. Although adults seem to be turning to diet soda, the Centre for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) says that the data shows teenagers are actually drinking more high-calorie soft drinks than ever - and less diet sodathan in years past - despite growing concerns about obesity. "Just as the soaring rates of obesity have shocked Americans, so should the increasing consumption by teenagers of one of the causes of obesity," CSPI executive director Michael F Jacobson said. "What was once a rare treat in a small serving is now served up morning, noon, and night, virtually everywhere Americans happen to be. How did a solution of high-fructose corn syrup, water, and artificial flavors come to be the default beverage?"
机译:喝碳酸或非碳酸软饮料的十几岁的男孩平均每天消耗三罐12盎司的罐子;根据1999-2002年政府数据的最新分析,女孩多于两个罐头。喝软饮料的青少年从这些饮料中获取其总卡路里的近15%。尽管成年人似乎正在转向苏打水,但公共利益科学中心(CSPI)表示,数据显示,尽管人们越来越担心,但实际上,青少年饮用的高热量软饮料比以往任何时候都要少,而且过去几年中的苏打水比过去少关于肥胖。 CSPI执行董事迈克尔·雅各布森(Michael F Jacobson)说:“就像肥胖率的飙升震惊了美国人一样,青少年日益增加的肥胖原因之一的消费也应该震惊。” “以前很少食用的一种零食现在可以在美国人正好在任何地方的早晨,中午和晚上使用。高果糖玉米糖浆,水和人工香料的解决方案如何成为默认设置饮料?”



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