首页> 外文期刊>Gynecological endocrinology: the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology >Consensus: soy isoflavones as a first-line approach to the treatment of menopausal vasomotor complaints

Consensus: soy isoflavones as a first-line approach to the treatment of menopausal vasomotor complaints


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The association between an increased uptake of isoflavones and a reduced frequency of menopausal hot flushes was first described in 1992, based on a lower incidence of hot flushes in countries with a high consumption of soy. Since then, numerous clinical trials with various sources of isoflavones including soy and red clover have been presented, with practically all of the studies with adequate design delivering an outcome in favour of isoflavone supplementation. An in-depth risk assessment (EFSA 2015) concludes that the amply available human data does not indicate any suspected harmful effects from a potential interaction of isoflavones with hormone-sensitive tissues in the mammary gland, the uterus and the thyroid gland. Safety was ascertained with long-term intake of up to 150 mg isoflavones per day ingested for the duration of at least 3 years. Moreover, high isoflavone intake was found to have preventive effects with respect to breast cancer. Clinical findings indicate potential benefits of isoflavone exposure even during breast cancer treatment with tamoxifen or anastrozole.
机译:异黄酮的摄取增加与更年期潮热减少的频率之间的关系是在1992年首次描述的,原因是大豆消费量高的国家潮热的发生率较低。自那时以来,已经提出了许多针对包括大豆和红三叶草在内的各种异黄酮来源的临床试验,几乎所有经过适当设计的研究都为补充异黄酮提供了结果。深入的风险评估(EFSA 2015)得出的结论是,充分可获得的人类数据并未表明异黄酮与乳腺,子宫和甲状腺的激素敏感性组织之间的潜在相互作用有任何可疑的有害影响。每天至少摄入150毫克异黄酮,持续至少3年,可确保安全性。此外,发现异黄酮的高摄入量对乳腺癌具有预防作用。临床发现表明,即使在他莫昔芬或阿那曲唑的乳腺癌治疗期间,暴露于异黄酮的潜在益处。


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