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Demystifying phenotypes The comparative genomics of evo-devo


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Developmental geneticists have spearheaded the synthesis of evolutionary and developmental biology, a.k.a 'evo-devo', leading to a wealth of recent insights about how morphological diversity has evolved. However, there exists a gap between these disciplines, and evo-devo has not benefited from an integration of the principles derived from population genetics and molecular evolution. In order to contribute to the remediation of this deficiency, we recently performed a study investigating how genes diverge among closely related species of Drosophila as a function of when they are expressed during development. We found that patterns of genetic divergence parallels morphology: interspecific divergence accumulates as development progresses. We also sought to test whether this positive gradient of divergence over ontogeny is best explained by purifying selection constraining the divergence of early-expressed genes or positive selection driving the evolution of those expressed later. Interestingly, we found evidence that both processes occur simultaneously. We argue that comparative genomics approaches, by juxtaposing gene- and phenotype-level divergence, particularly among closely related species, have much to contribute to the ongoing evo-devo synthesis, complementing traditional genetics-based techniques with large-scale screening analyses uncovering the mechanisms underlying developmental change.
机译:发育遗传学家已率先将进化生物学和发育生物学(也称为“ evo-devo”)进行了合成,从而引起了关于形态多样性如何进化的大量最新见解。但是,这些学科之间存在差距,evo-devo尚未从人口遗传学和分子进化学衍生的原理整合中受益。为了有助于纠正这种缺陷,我们最近进行了一项研究,研究基因如何在果蝇的紧密相关物种之间发散,这取决于它们在发育过程中何时表达。我们发现遗传差异的模式与形态相似:种间差异随着发展的进程而积累。我们还试图通过纯化选择来限制早期表达的基因的发散或驱动以后表达的基因的进化的正选择,来测试是否最好地解释了个体发育上的这种正向差异。有趣的是,我们发现了两个过程同时发生的证据。我们认为,比较基因组学方法通过并置基因和表型水平的差异,特别是在密切相关物种之间,可以为正在进行的进化合成做出很大贡献,并通过大规模筛选分析补充了传统的基于遗传学的技术,从而揭示了机制潜在的发展变化。



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