首页> 外文期刊>Food Control >The risk assessment of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in cooked black tiger shrimps (Penaeus monodon) in Malaysia.

The risk assessment of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in cooked black tiger shrimps (Penaeus monodon) in Malaysia.


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A microbiological risk assessment was conducted on Vibrio parahaemolyticus in order to estimate the risk of getting infected by consuming cooked shrimps (Penaeus monodon) for Malaysians. This study was based on the risk assessment framework developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The risk estimate was calculated by using the data generated from this study and assumptions based on data taken from reports produced by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and from other studies. The @RISK software package, version 4.5 (2005 Palisade USA) in combination with MicrosoftReg. Excel were used to run the simulations. All of the calculations were performed by the Monte Carlo method of simulations from specified input distributions and appropriately combining the sampled values to generate the corresponding output distributions. All simulations, consisting of 10,000 iterations were undertaken. The estimated illness per year was 123 people (aged from 18 to 59 years) for Malaysians. The 90% of distribution of illness due to the consumption of cooked shrimps lies between 49 and 197 cases per year. The incidence rate of illness/100,000 population/year (aged between 18 and 59 years) is 1.3 while 90% distribution lies between 0.5 and 2. In the case of shrimp that were cooked during meal preparation, the hazard has been significantly reduced. It is important to pay attention to temperature control during harvesting and post-harvest handling. It is also required to prevent cross-contamination during handling and preparation of shrimps and adequate cooking before consumption
机译:对副溶血性弧菌进行了微生物风险评估,以估计因食用马来西亚人煮熟的虾(斑节对虾)而被感染的风险。这项研究基于食品法典委员会开发的风险评估框架。风险估算是根据本研究产生的数据和假设而得出的,这些假设是基于马来西亚卫生部的报告和其他研究得出的数据得出的。 @RISK软件包,版本4.5(2005年美国Palisade)与MicrosoftReg组合。使用Excel来运行模拟。所有计算均通过蒙特卡洛模拟法从指定的输入分布中进行,并适当组合采样值以生成相应的输出分布。进行了所有仿真,包括10,000次迭代。马来西亚人每年估计患病123人(年龄从18岁到59岁)。每年因食用煮熟的虾而造成的疾病分布中,有90%位于49到197例之间。每100,000人口/年(18至59岁之间)的疾病发病率为1.3,而90%的分布在0.5至2之间。对于在准备饭菜时煮熟的虾,其危害已大大降低。重要的是在收获和收获后处理期间要注意温度控制。还需要防止虾的处理和准备过程中的交叉污染以及食用前的充分烹饪



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