首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries: A Bulletin of the American Fisheries Society >The Collapse of Pelagic Fishes in the Upper San Francisco Estuary El Colapso de los Peces Pelagicos en La Cabecera Del Estuario San Francisco

The Collapse of Pelagic Fishes in the Upper San Francisco Estuary El Colapso de los Peces Pelagicos en La Cabecera Del Estuario San Francisco


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Although the pelagic fish community of the upper San Francisco Estuary historically has shown substantial variability, a recent collapse has captured the attention of resource managers, scientists, legislators, and the general public. The ecological and management consequences of the decline are most serious for delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), a threatened species whose narrow range overlaps with large water diversions that supply water to over 25 million people. The decline occurred despite recent moderate hydrology, which typically results in at least modest recruitment, and investments of hundreds of millions of dollars in habitat restoration and environmental water allocations to support native fishes. In response to the pelagic fish collapse, an ambitious multi-agency research team has been working since 2005 to evaluate the causes of the decline, which likely include a combination of factors: stock-recruitment effects, a decline in habitat quality, increased mortality rates, and reduced food availability due to invasive species.
机译:尽管旧金山河口上游的中上层鱼类群落在历史上显示出很大的可变性,但最近的崩溃吸引了资源管理者,科学家,立法者和公众的注意。下降的生态和管理后果对于三角洲冶炼(Hypomesus transpacificus)最为严重,三角洲冶炼是一种受威胁物种,其狭窄范围与大范围引水重叠,为超过2500万人供水。尽管最近的水文状况适中,但仍出现了下降,这通常导致至少适度的征募,并在栖息地恢复和环境水分配方面投资了数亿美元以支持本地鱼类。为了应对远洋鱼类的崩溃,自2005年以来,一个雄心勃勃的多机构研究小组一直在评估这种下降的原因,其中可能包括多种因素:种群补充效应,栖息地质量下降,死亡率上升,以及由于入侵物种导致食物供应量减少。



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