
Foreign fetal cells persist in the maternal circulation.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether allogenic fetal cells resulting from donor egg pregnancies persist in maternal circulation. DESIGN: Nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the DYS14 sequence, a region of the Y chromosome, from DNA purified from peripheral blood cells. SETTING: Academic medical center. PATIENT(S): Healthy 18-60-year-old women who have had donor egg pregnancies resulting in a male offspring (n = 11) or, as a control, female offspring (n = 8), at least 1 year previously and without any other source for male cells in their peripheral blood or a healthy male. INTERVENTION(S): None. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Detection of DYS14 sequence by nested PCR. RESULT(S): DYS14 was detected in 5/11 (45%) of women who had donor egg pregnancies resulting in a male offspring, but in 0/8 (0) of women who had donor egg pregnancies resulting in a female offspring. The longest interval between delivery of a male offspring and detection of the DYS14 gene was 9 years. CONCLUSION(S): Unmatched, allogenic fetal cells from donor egg pregnancies are able to persist in the circulation of healthy women for at least 9 years after delivery. This implies a novel mechanism by which immunologic detection is avoided by these cells and may impact on how they may be used for regenerative and transplant medicine.
机译:目的:确定供体卵妊娠产生的同种异体胎儿细胞在母体循环中是否持续存在。设计:从外周血细胞纯化的DNA中,DYS14序列(Y染色体的一个区域)的嵌套式聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增。地点:学术医学中心。患者:健康的18-60岁女性,至少在一年前曾进行过供体卵妊娠,导致雄性后代(n = 11)或作为对照,雌性后代(n = 8),并且没有任何其他来源的外周血中的雄性细胞或健康的雄性。干预措施:无。主要观察指标:巢式PCR检测DYS14序列。结果:在有供体卵妊娠导致男性后代的女性中,有5/11(45%)的女性检测到DYS14,但在有供体卵妊娠导致女性后代的女性中,有0/8(0)的女性被检测到。男性后代分娩与DYS14基因检测之间的最长间隔为9年。结论:来自供体卵妊娠的同种异体胎儿细胞能够在分娩后至少9年内维持健康女性的血液循环。这暗示着一种新颖的机制,这些细胞可避免进行免疫学检测,并可能影响它们如何用于再生医学和移植医学。



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