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Responses of soybeans and wheat to elevated CO2 in free-air and open top chamber systems


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With increasing demand for agricultural products, more confidence is needed concerning impacts of rising atmospheric CO2 on crop yields. Despite debate about the merits of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) and open top chamber (OTC) systems, there have been no reports comparing crop yield responses to elevated CO2 in FACE and OTC systems using the same cultivar and location. In this study soybeans and winter wheat were grown for two years in FACE and OTC systems at the same time and location. An elevated CO2 treatment of ambient plus similar to 200 mu mol mol(-1) was applied 24 h per day for one cultivar of each species in the first year, and two cultivars of each species in the second year. Leaf area index, and midday leaf gas exchange rates were measured periodically, and total above ground biomass and seed yield were determined at maturity. In soybean, seed yield was increased by elevated CO2 in both FACE and OTC in both cultivars and years. However, the ratio of seed yield at elevated CO2 to that at ambient CO2 averaged significantly higher in OTC (1.49) than in FACE (1.27). In wheat, grain yield was increased by 15-30% by elevated CO2 for both cultivars and years in the OTC, but was not increased in either cultivar or year in the FACE system. No differences in midday photosynthetic rates occurred between OTC and FACE in either species for either CO2 treatment, except one season in wheat, but stomatal conductance was more reduced by elevated CO2 in OTC than in FACE. Short-term temporal variation in CO2 concentration was larger in FACE than in OTC. It is not clear from these results which method produces plant responses equivalent to those which may occur with increased atmospheric CO2. Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:随着对农产品需求的增加,需要更多的信心来应对大气中二氧化碳含量上升对农作物产量的影响。尽管存在关于自由​​空气CO2浓缩(FACE)和开放式顶棚(OTC)系统的优点的争论,但尚无报道比较使用相同品种和位置的FACE和OTC系统中作物产量对CO2升高的响应。在这项研究中,大豆和冬小麦在FACE和OTC系统中同时在同一地点种植了两年。在第一年对每个物种的一个品种每天24小时每天应用升高的CO2处理,加上类似于200μmol mol(-1)的二氧化碳,第二年对每个物种使用两个品种。定期测量叶面积指数和午间叶片气体交换率,并确定成熟期的地上总生物量和种子产量。在大豆中,无论是品种还是年份,FACE和OTC中CO2的升高都会增加种子的产量。但是,在OTC(1.49)中,CO2升高与环境CO2相比,种子产量的比率平均明显高于FACE(1.27)。在小麦中,无论是在OTC上还是在OTC上,由于CO2浓度升高,谷物单产均提高了15-30%,但在FACE系统中无论是品种还是年份均未提高。除小麦的一个季节外,两种CO2处理的两种物种的OTC和FACE的午间光合速率均无差异,但小麦中一个季节的气孔导度比FACE降低了更多。 FACE中CO2浓度的短期时间变化大于OTC。从这些结果尚不清楚,哪种方法产生的植物响应与大气CO2增加可能产生的响应相同。由Elsevier B.V.发布



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