首页> 外文期刊>Field Crops Research >Shoot traits and their relevance in terminal drought tolerance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Shoot traits and their relevance in terminal drought tolerance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

机译:鹰嘴豆(Cicer arietinum L.)的苗期性状及其与最终耐旱性的关系

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Chickpea is the second most important legume crop largely grown under semi-arid tropics where terminal drought is one of the major constraints for its productivity. A trait-based selection had been considered more beneficial in drought tolerance breeding to overcome the environmental influence on drought yields. Large number of traits had been suggested in literature, with less indication on their importance and priority, for use in such breeding programs resulting in poor utilization of critical traits in drought tolerance breeding. To identify the most critical traits that contribute to grain yield under drought, 12 chickpea genotypes, with well-defined drought response, were field evaluated by sampling at regular intervals during the cropping period. Large range of variation was observed for shoot biomass productivity, specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf area index (LAI) at different days after sowings (DAS), canopy temperature depression (CTD) at mid-reproductive stages, growth duration and both morphological and analytical yield components. Grain yield under drought was closely associated with the rate of partitioning (p), crop growth rate (C), CTD, phenology, LAI at mid-pod fill stage, pod number m(-2) at maturity, shoot biomass at reproductive growth stages and SLA at physiological maturity. The shoot trait(s) were prioritized based on their significance and contribution to drought tolerance. The trait(s) that conferred tolerance varied across genotypes. The order of traits/plant functions identified as important and critical for the drought tolerance were p, C, CTD, growth duration and other related traits. Relatively less important traits were LAI, SLA at the mid reproductive stage and pod number per unit area at maturity. The traits Dr, seeds pod(-1) and 100-seed weight were found to be least important. Breeding for the best combination of p and C with the right phenology was proposed to be the best selection strategy to enhance terminal drought tolerance in chickpea. (C) 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:鹰嘴豆是第二大最重要的豆类作物,主要生长在半干旱热带地区,那里的干旱是其生产力的主要制约因素之一。人们认为基于特征的选择更有利于抗旱育种,以克服环境对干旱产量的影响。在文献中已经提出了大量的性状,但对于它们的重要性和优先级却很少表明,用于此类育种计划会导致在耐旱育种中对关键性状的利用不充分。为了确定在干旱下影响谷物产量的最关键性状,在种植期间定期取样,评估了12种具有明确干旱响应的鹰嘴豆基因型。在播种后的不同天(DAS),繁殖中期的冠层温度下降(CTD),生长持续时间和形态均观察到枝条生物量生产力,比叶面积(SLA)和叶面积指数(LAI)存在较大范围的变化。和分析产量成分。干旱下的谷物产量与分配速率(p),作物生长速率(C),CTD,物候,中荚期的LAI,成熟时的荚数m(-2),生殖生长的枝条生物量密切相关。生理成熟阶段和SLA。根据芽的性状及其对耐旱性的贡献来对芽性状进行优先排序。赋予耐受性的性状因基因型而异。被确定为耐旱性重要和关键的性状/植物功能的顺序为p,C,CTD,生长持续时间和其他相关性状。相对较不重要的性状是生殖中期的LAI,SLA和成熟时每单位面积的荚数。发现Dr,种子荚(-1)和100粒重的性状最不重要。提出将p和C与正确的物候特性进行最佳组合的选育是增强鹰嘴豆终末耐旱性的最佳选择策略。 (C)2016作者。由Elsevier B.V.发布



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