首页> 外文期刊>FEMS Yeast Research >The calnexin-independent state does not compensate for all calnexin functions in Schizosaccharomyces pombe

The calnexin-independent state does not compensate for all calnexin functions in Schizosaccharomyces pombe


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In the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the molecular chaperone calnexin (Cnx1p) has been shown to be essential for viability. However, we recently reported that, under certain circumstances, S. pombe cells are able to survive in the absence of calnexin/Cnx1p, indicating that an inducible pathway can complement the calnexin/Cnx1p essential function(s). This calnexin-independent state (Cin) is transmitted by a nonchromosomal proteinaceous element exhibiting several prion-like properties. To assess to what extent the Cin state compensates for the absence of calnexin/Cnx1p, the Cin strain was further characterized. Cin cells exhibited cell-wall defects, sensitivity to heat shock, as well as higher secretion levels of a model glycoprotein. Together, these results indicate that the Cin state does not compensate for all calnexin/Cnx1p functions. Reintroduction of plasmid-borne cnx1(+) partially rescued most but not all of the phenotypes displayed by Cin cells. Interestingly, Cin cells in stationary phase exhibited increased levels of caspase activation, and this phenotype was not suppressed by the reintroduction of cnx1(+), suggesting that cells in the Cin state are subjected to a stress other than the absence of calnexin/Cnx1p.
机译:在酵母裂殖酵母中,分子伴侣钙合蛋白(Cnx1p)已被证明对生存力至关重要。但是,我们最近报道,在某些情况下,粟酒裂殖酵母细胞能够在不存在钙连蛋白/ Cnx1p的情况下存活,这表明诱导途径可以补充钙连蛋白/ Cnx1p的基本功能。这种非钙联蛋白独立状态(Cin)通过非染色体蛋白质元素传递,该蛋白质元素表现出几种病毒样性质。为了评估Cin状态在多大程度上补偿了钙磷蛋白/ Cnx1p的缺失,对Cin菌株进行了进一步表征。 Cin细胞表现出细胞壁缺陷,对热休克的敏感性以及模型糖蛋白的更高分泌水平。在一起,这些结果表明Cin状态不能补偿所有的calnexin / Cnx1p功能。质粒传播的cnx1(+)的重新引入部分挽救了大部分但并非所有Cin细胞表型。有趣的是,处于静止期的Cin细胞表现出增加的caspase激活水平,并且该表型没有被cnx1(+)的重新引入所抑制,这表明处于Cin状态的细胞承受的压力是不存在钙合蛋白/ Cnx1p的压力。



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