首页> 外文期刊>FEMS Microbiology Letters >Isolation and characterization of an obligately chemolithoautotrophic Halothiobacillus strain capable of growth on thiocyanate as an energy source

Isolation and characterization of an obligately chemolithoautotrophic Halothiobacillus strain capable of growth on thiocyanate as an energy source


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Molecular and microbiological analysis of a laboratory bioreactor biomass oxidizing thiocyanate at autotrophic conditions and at 1 M NaCl showed a domination of a single chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacterium (SOB) capable of using thiocyanate as an energy source. The bacterium was isolated in pure cultures and identified as a member of the Halothiobacillus halophilus/hydrothermalis clade. This clade includes moderately halophilic chemolithoautotrophic SOB from marine and hypersaline habitats for which the ability to utilize thiocyanate as an electron donor has not been previously demonstrated. Halothiobacillus sp. strain SCN-R1 grew with thiocyanate as the sole energy and nitrogen source oxidizing it to sulfate and ammonium via the cyanate pathway. The pH range for thiocyanate oxidation was within a neutral region between 7 and 8 and the range of salinity was from 0.2 to 1.5 M NaCl, with an optimum at 0.5 M. Despite the close phylogenetic relatedness, none of the tested type strains and other isolates from the H. halophilus/hydrothermalis group exhibited thiocyanate-oxidizing capacity.
机译:在自养条件下和在1 M NaCl条件下将硫氰酸盐氧化的实验室生物反应器生物质的分子和微生物学分析显示,一种能够利用硫氰酸盐作为能源的化学自养营养硫氧化细菌(SOB)占主导地位。在纯培养物中分离出该细菌,并将其鉴定为嗜盐嗜硫杆菌/嗜热菌进化枝的成员。该进化枝包括来自海洋和高盐生境的中度嗜盐化石自养生物SOB,此前尚未证明其利用硫氰酸盐作为电子供体的能力。嗜盐杆菌菌株SCN-R1以硫氰酸盐为唯一能源生长,氮源通过氰酸盐途径将其氧化为硫酸盐和铵盐。硫氰酸盐氧化的pH范围在7到8之间的中性范围内,盐度范围为0.2到1.5 M NaCl,最佳范围为0.5M。尽管在系统发育上有密切的联系,但没有测试型菌株和其他分离株来自嗜盐嗜热菌/热液群的人显示出硫氰酸盐氧化能力。



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