首页> 外文期刊>Farm Journal >Supper on the Table: Please join fellow farmers in helping put food in the mouths of the hungry-together, we can make a difference

Supper on the Table: Please join fellow farmers in helping put food in the mouths of the hungry-together, we can make a difference


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Every night when we sit down to supper, one in seven people in the world is hungry. Our children eat while others—here and around the globe—go without. Now, a Farm Journal Agricultural Foundation initiative. Farmers Feeding the World, gives you a chance to change that. "American farmers—^who are truly feeding the world—have a long history of being generous and lending a hand to those who need it," says Andrew J. Weber Jr., chairman of the Foundation. "Our farmers can and do provide enough for many. Working together, we can do even more."
机译:每天晚上,当我们坐下来吃晚饭时,世界上七分之一的人饿了。我们的孩子吃饭,而世界各地的其他人则没有。现在,《农场杂志》农业基金会倡议。农民养活世界,让您有机会改变这种状况。基金会主席安德鲁·韦伯(Andrew J. Weber Jr.)表示:“美国农民-真正为世界提供粮食的人-慷慨解囊,向需要帮助的人伸出援手已有悠久的历史。” “我们的农民可以而且确实为许多人提供了足够的收入。共同努力,我们可以做得更多。”



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