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Controls on the silicon isotope distribution in the ocean: New diagnostics from a data-constrained model


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The global distributions of the silicon isotopes within silicic acid are estimated by adding isotope fractionation to an optimized, data-constrained model of the oceanic silicon cycle that is embedded in a data-assimilated steady circulation. Including fractionation during opal dissolution improves the model's ability to capture the approximately linear relation between isotope ratio, delta Si-30, and inverse silicic acid concentration observed in the deep Atlantic. To quantify the importance of hydrographic control on the isotope distribution, delta Si-30 is partitioned into contributions from preformed and regenerated silicic acid, further partitioned according to euphotic zone origin. We find that the large-scale features of the isotope distribution in the Atlantic basin are dominated by preformed silicic acid, with regenerated silicic acid being important for setting vertical gradients. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans, preformed and regenerated silicic acid make roughly equally important contributions to the pattern of the isotope ratio, with gradients of the preformed and regenerated contributions tending to cancel each other in the deep Pacific. The Southern Ocean euphotic zone is the primary origin of both the preformed and regenerated contributions to delta Si-30. Nearly the entire preformed part of delta Si-30 is of Southern Ocean and North Atlantic origin. The regenerated part of delta Si-30 in the Atlantic basin also has a contribution of Central Atlantic (similar to 40 degrees S-40 degrees N) origin that is comparable in magnitude to the North Atlantic contribution. In other basins, the Central Pacific and Indian Ocean are the second largest contributors to the regenerated part of delta Si-30.
机译:通过将同位素分馏添加到优化的,受数据约束的海洋硅循环模型中,估算硅酸中硅同位素的全球分布,该模型已嵌入数据辅助的稳定环流中。在蛋白石溶解过程中包括分馏可以提高模型捕获同位素比,δSi-30和在大西洋深处观测到的反硅酸浓度之间近似线性关系的能力。为了量化水文控制对同位素分布的重要性,将Si-30三角洲划分为预先形成的硅酸和再生的硅酸,再根据富营养区成因将其划分。我们发现,大西洋盆地同位素分布的大规模特征主要是预制的硅酸,而再生硅酸对于设定垂直梯度很重要。在太平洋和印度洋,预制和再生的硅酸对同位素比率的模式具有大致同等重要的作用,在太平洋深处,预制和再生的硅的梯度趋于相互抵消。南部海洋富营养区是对三角洲Si-30的预制和再生贡献的主要来源。 Si-30三角洲的几乎整个预制部分都来自南大洋和北大西洋。大西洋盆地中三角洲Si-30的再生部分也具有中大西洋的贡献(类似于北纬40度至40度),其数量级可与北大西洋的贡献相提并论。在其他盆地中,中太平洋和印度洋是三角洲Si-30再生部分的第二大贡献者。



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