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Bouquets & berries


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Rose Drummond is well known for its roses and strawberries If Jean-Denis Lampron has his way, travellers on Highway 20 in Quebec won't drive any further until they take a few minutes to drop by his greenhouses -- Rose Drummond -- to buy flowers or fresh strawberries. It's hard not to notice the large colourful billboards on the Jean Lesage Autoroute advertising specials like a dozen roses for 9.95 dollar. In fact, fully half of his marketing budget goes toward the highway signs. "Most of our clients are business people travelling between Quebec City and Montreal," he says, adding that 90 per cent are from outside Drummondville. "The fact that we're open late and 365 days a year is really appreciated." What was once for Jean-Denis a small operationof 5,000 square feet over a decade ago is now one of eastern Canada's largest growers. Rose Drummond has three hectares of greenhouses, in which four million roses are cut and sold each year, fully half of Ouebec's rose production -- and it's all done at retail. Jean-Denis previously counted a few hundred retailers as his client base, but quickly found he had little control over his flowers once shipped, thus preventing him from maintaining the quality of which he is so proud. Despite the best effortsof retailers, there was often a loss in quality. So he moved into retail. "But we did it gradually, we didn't re-invent the wheel. This is common in Europe."
机译:Rose Drummond以玫瑰和草莓而闻名。如果让-丹尼斯·兰普伦(Jean-Denis Lampron)出路,魁北克20号公路上的旅行者将不会再开车,除非他们花几分钟时间从他的温室-Rose Drummond那里购买花或新鲜的草莓。很难不注意到Jean Lesage Autoroute上大型彩色广告牌上的广告特价商品,例如一打玫瑰花9.95美元。实际上,他的营销预算中有一半都用于高速公路标志。他说:“我们的大多数客户是在魁北克市和蒙特利尔之间旅行的商务人士。”他补充说,其中90%来自德拉蒙德维尔郊外。 “我们很晚才开放,一年365天,这一事实受到了赞赏。”十年前,让·丹尼斯(Jean-Denis)曾经做过一个面积仅为5,000平方英尺的小规模种植,如今已成为加拿大东部最大的种植者之一。 Rose Drummond拥有3公顷的温室,每年砍伐和出售400万朵玫瑰,占整个Ouebec玫瑰产量的一半-所有这些都是在零售中完成的。 Jean-Denis以前把几百家零售商定为他的客户群,但很快发现他一旦寄出鲜花便对鲜花几乎没有控制权,从而使他无法保持自己引以为傲的品质。尽管零售商做出了最大的努力,但质量常常会下降。因此他进入零售。 “但是我们是逐步做到的,我们没有重新发明轮子。这在欧洲很普遍。”



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