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Haakmam Greenhouses a rockwool pioneer with cukes

机译:Haakmam Greenhouses拥有库克岩棉先驱

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In the early 1980s, a report in a Dutch trade magazine about seedless cucumbers being grown above the soil on material called rockwool caught Gerard Haakman's attention. At his greenhouses on Foss Road in Fenwick. where cucumbers were being produced in large numbers, he had already progressed from soil to straw bales, so the new methods of growing in rockwool seemed to be a logical step for him. "I discussed this with my sons, Robert and Peter, who were working with me in the business, and they said: 'Let's try it out.' I then flew to Holland to sec what was going on and find out what would be needed to do that here."
机译:1980年代初,荷兰一家贸易杂志上的一篇报道称,在无核黄瓜生长在土壤上的一种叫做岩棉的材料上引起了Gerard Haakman的注意。在他位于芬威克(Fenwick)福斯路(Foss Road)的温室中。在那里大量生产黄瓜的地方,他已经从土壤变成了草捆,因此在岩棉中生长的新方法似乎对他而言是合乎逻辑的一步。 “我与我的儿子罗伯特和彼得讨论了这个问题,他们正在与我一起工作,他们说:'让我们尝试一下。'然后,我飞到荷兰,对发生的事情进行了调查,并找出在这里要做的事情。”



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