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Prevalence of distress and symptom severity from the lower urinary tract in men: a population-based study with the DAN-PSS questionnaire.


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BACKGROUND: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are a common and costly public health issue. The prevalence varies greatly in published reports. The distress caused by each symptom is important to assess the primary care required before therapeutic decisions or a referral to an urologist are made. OBJECTIVES: LUTS are highly prevalent in men, but less is known regarding the distress caused by each symptom. The aim of this study was to examine symptom severity and different levels of distress using the Danish Prostatic Symptom Score (DAN-PSS) questionnaire in men affected by symptoms from the lower urinary tract. METHODS: The study included all men aged 41-81 years (n=504) that, 12 months earlier in a population-based survey, had reported stress incontinence, urgency or post-micturition dribbling in a postal questionnaire. The DAN-PSS questionnaire was used to measure severity and distress from LUTS. RESULTS: In total, 311 (80%) of the 387 responders who reported at least one symptom experienced some level of distress. The most distressing symptom overall was urinary incontinence. Nine of 10 men with storage symptoms (stress, urge and 'other' urinary incontinence) reported distress even if the symptom occurred only seldom. Moreover, two-thirds of the men with the most frequent symptom, post-micturition dribbling, characterized their symptom as moderate or severe; the most distressing voiding symptom was weak stream. In general, LUTS were well tolerated. CONCLUSION: Urge incontinence was the most distressing LUTS even when occurring only seldom. The DAN-PSS questionnaire may be a potentially useful tool for health professionals to identify patients with pronounced distress from LUTS to offer therapeutic and nursing care on the relevant level.
机译:背景:下尿路症状(LUTS)是常见且昂贵的公共卫生问题。在已发表的报告中患病率差异很大。由每种症状引起的困扰对于评估在做出治疗决定或转诊至泌尿科医师之前所需的基本护理至关重要。目的:LUTS在男性中非常普遍,但是对于每种症状引起的痛苦的了解却很少。这项研究的目的是使用丹麦前列腺症状评分表(DAN-PSS)问卷调查受下尿路症状影响的男性的症状严重程度和不同程度的困扰。方法:该研究包括所有41-81岁(n = 504)的男性,该男性在基于人口的调查中早于12个月在邮政调查表中报告了压力性尿失禁,紧迫感或排尿后尿尿。 DAN-PSS调查表用于测量LUTS的严重程度和困扰。结果:在报告至少一种症状的387位响应者中,共有311位(80%)经历了一定程度的困扰。总体上最令人困扰的症状是尿失禁。即使很少出现症状,在10名有贮藏症状(压力,冲动和“其他”尿失禁)的男性中也有9名报告有不适。此外,三分之二的症状最频繁的男人是排尿后运球,表现为中度或重度。最令人痛苦的排尿症状是溪流不畅。通常,对LUTS的耐受性良好。结论:即使很少发生,急迫性尿失禁也是最令人困扰的LUTS。 DAN-PSS调查表对于健康专业人员来说可能是有用的工具,可以从LUTS中识别出明显困扰的患者,从而在相关水平上提供治疗和护理服务。



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