首页> 外文期刊>Graphs and combinatorics >Almost 2-Homogeneous Graphs and Completely Regular Quadrangles

Almost 2-Homogeneous Graphs and Completely Regular Quadrangles


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Many known distance-regular graphs have extra combinatorial regularities: One of them is t-homogeneity. A bipartite or almost bipartite distance-regular graph is 2-homogeneous if the number γ i = |{x | a(u, x) = a(v, x) = 1 and a(w, x) = i - 1}| (i = 2, 3,..., d) depends only on i whenever a(u, v) = 2 and a(u, w) = a(v, w) = i. K. Nomura gave a complete classification of bipartite and almost bipartite 2-homogeneous distance-regular graphs. In this paper, we generalize Nomura’s results by classifying 2-homogeneous triangle-free distance-regular graphs. As an application, we show that if Γ is a distance-regular graph of diameter at least four such that all quadrangles are completely regular then Γ is isomorphic to a binary Hamming graph, the folded graph of a binary Hamming graph or the coset graph of the extended binary Golay code of valency 24. We also consider the case Γ is a parallelogram-free distance-regular graph.
机译:许多已知的距离正则图具有额外的组合规则:其中之一是t均匀性。如果数γi = | {x | |,则二分或几乎二分的距离正则图是2均匀的。 a(u,x)= a(v,x)= 1且a(w,x)= i-1} | (i = 2,3,...,d)仅在a(u,v)= 2且a(u,w)= a(v,w)= i时才依赖于i。 K. Nomura给出了两部分和几乎两部分的2个均匀距离正则图的完整分类。在本文中,我们对Nomura的结果进行了归纳,方法是对2个均质的无三角形距离正则图进行分类。作为应用,我们表明,如果Γ是直径至少为4的距离正则图,使得所有四边形都完全规则,则Γ与二元Hamming图,二元Hamming图的折叠图或coset图的同集图同构。价为24的扩展二进制Golay码。我们还考虑了情况Γ是无平行四边形的距离正则图。



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