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On the waterfront: part II - change is in the air


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According to Jerry Connery, if agriculture wants to hold onto its share of the world market, growers need to pay attention to what goes on at America's ports. As the export sales manager with Duda, a grower, shipper, marketer and exporter of fresh fruits and vegetables in Salinas, Calif., that's exactly what Connery is doing. Since September 11, a plethora of government agencies have descended upon the shipping industry. The U.S. Customs Service, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Department of Transportation,the U.S. Office of Homeland Security, the Maritime Administration, the Marine Transportation System National Advisory Council, and the Transportation Security Administration are working to establish a series of protocols to track, scan, and identify cargo. Even the United States Congress got involved with drafting legislation. Senate Bill 1214 (Hollings, McCain, Graham) and House Bill 3983 (Young, Oberstar, LoBiondo, Brown) have passed Congress. If enacted into law, this legislation would mandate the introduction of new technologies and work practices that will affect the shipping of agriculture. "The terrorist attacks have resulted in a renewed focus on the security of our transportation systems," said U. S. Department of Transportation Secretary, Norm Mineta.
机译:杰里·康纳里(Jerry Connery)表示,如果农业要保持其在世界市场上的份额,种植者需要关注美国港口的发展。作为Duda的出口销售经理,Duda是加利福尼亚州萨利纳斯的新鲜水果和蔬菜的种植者,托运人,市场商人和出口商,这正是Connery所做的。自9月11日以来,众多政府机构纷纷涉足航运业。美国海关总署,美国海岸警卫队,美国运输部,美国国土安全局,海事管理局,海洋运输系统国家咨询委员会和运输安全局正在努力建立一系列跟踪,扫描的协议,并识别货物。甚至美国国会也参与起草法律。参议院第1214号法案(霍林斯,麦凯恩,格雷厄姆)和众议院第3983号法案(年轻,奥伯斯塔,洛比昂多,布朗)已通过国会。如果立法成为法律,则该立法将强制要求引入会影响农业运输的新技术和工作实践。美国运输部部长范德梅塔(Norm Mineta)说:“恐怖袭击使人们对我们运输系统的安全有了新的关注。



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