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Hot spots for nitrous oxide emissions found in different types of permafrost peatlands


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Recent findings on large nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from permafrost peatlands have shown that tundra soils can support high N2O release, which is on the contrary to what was thought previously. However, field data on this topic have been very limited, and the spatial and temporal extent of the phenomenon has not been known. To address this question, we studied N2O dynamics in two types of subarctic permafrost peatlands, a peat plateau in Russia and three palsa mires in Finland, including also adjacent upland soils. The peatlands studied have surfaces that are uplifted by frost (palsas and peat plateaus) and partly unvegetated as a result of wind erosion and frost action. Unvegetated peat surfaces with high N2O emissions were found from all the studied peatlands. Very high N2O emissions were measured from peat circles at the Russian site (1.40 +/- 0.15 g N(2)Om(-2)yr(-1)). Elevated, sparsely vegetated peat mounds at the same site had significantly lower N2O release. The N2O emissions from bare palsa surfaces in Northern Finland were highly variable but reached high rates, similar to those measured from the peat circles. All the vegetated soils studied had negligible N2O release. At the bare peat surfaces, the large N2O emissions were supported by the absence of plant N uptake, the low C:N ratio of the peat, the relatively high gross N mineralization rate and favourable moisture content, together increasing availability of mineral N for N2O production. We hypothesize that frost heave is crucial for high N2O emissions, since it lifts the peat above the water table, increasing oxygen availability and making it vulnerable to the the physical processes that may remove the vegetation cover. In the future, permafrost thawing may change the distribution of wet and dry surfaces in permafrost peatlands, which will affect N2O emissions.
机译:多年冻土区泥炭地大量排放的一氧化二氮(N2O)的最新发现表明,冻原土壤可以支持高N2O释放,这与以前的想法相反。但是,有关该主题的实地数据非常有限,并且该现象的时空范围尚不清楚。为了解决这个问题,我们研究了两种类型的北极亚多年冻土泥炭地的N2O动力学,这是俄罗斯的泥炭高原和芬兰的三个palsa泥潭,还包括邻近的高地土壤。所研究的泥炭地的表面因霜冻(palsas和泥炭高原)而隆起,并且由于风蚀和霜冻作用而部分地无植被。从所有研究过的泥炭地中发现了高N2O排放的无植被泥炭表面。从俄罗斯站点的泥炭循环中测量到非常高的N2O排放量(1.40 +/- 0.15 g N(2)Om(-2)yr(-1))。在同一地点,植被稀疏的泥炭丘升高,N2O释放量明显降低。芬兰北部裸露的帕尔萨表面的N2O排放变化很大,但达到了高速率,类似于从泥炭界测得的排放。研究的所有植被土壤的N2O释放量均可以忽略不计。在裸露的泥炭表面,大量的N2O排放是由于没有植物吸收氮,泥炭的C:N比低,总N矿化率相对较高和水分含量较高,以及增加了N2O矿质氮的利用率所致。生产。我们假设霜冻沉浮对于高N2O排放至关重要,因为霜冻将泥炭举起至地下水位上方,增加了氧气的利用率,并使之易受可能移除植被覆盖的物理过程的影响。将来,多年冻土融化可能会改变多年冻土泥炭地干湿表面的分布,这会影响N2O排放。



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