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The legacy of harvest and fire on ecosystem carbon storage in a north temperate forest


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Forest harvesting and wildfire were widespread in the upper Great Lakes region of North America during the early 20th century. We examined how long this legacy of disturbance constrains forest carbon (C) storage rates by quantifying C pools and fluxes after harvest and fire in a mixed deciduous forest chronosequence in northern lower Michigan, USA. Study plots ranged in age from 6 to 68 years and were created following experimental clear-cut harvesting and fire disturbance. Annual C storage was estimated biometrically from measurements of wood, leaf, fine root, and woody debris mass, mass losses to herbivory, soil C content, and soil respiration. Maximum annual C storage in stands that were disturbed by harvest and fire twice was 26% less than a reference stand receiving the same disturbance only once. The mechanism for this reduction in annual C storage was a long-lasting decrease in site quality that endured over the 62-year timeframe examined. However, during regrowth the harvested and burned forest rapidly became a net C sink, storing 0.53 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) after 6 years. Maximum net ecosystem production (1.35 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1)) and annual C increment (0.95 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1)) were recorded in the 24- and 50-year-old stands, respectively. Net primary production averaged 5.19 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) in experimental stands, increasing by < 10% from 6 to 50 years. Soil heterotrophic respiration was more variable across stand ages, ranging from 3.85 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) in the 6-year-old stand to 4.56 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) in the 68-year-old stand. These results suggest that harvesting and fire disturbances broadly distributed across the region decades ago caused changes in site quality and successional status that continue to limit forest C storage rates.
机译:在20世纪初期,森林采伐和野火在北美大湖区上游广泛分布。我们通过量化美国密歇根州北部混合落叶森林时序序列中采伐和火灾后的碳库和通量,来检验这种干扰的遗产对森林碳(C)储存速率的约束时间。研究地块的年龄从6岁到68岁不等,是在经过实验性的明确采伐和火灾干扰后创建的。通过测量木材,叶片,细根和木质碎片的质量,食草动物的质量损失,土壤中的C含量和土壤呼吸,可以通过生物测定法估算出年度C储存量。受两次采伐和火灾干扰的林分中,每年最高碳储存量比仅受到相同干扰一次的参比林分少26%。年度碳储存量减少的机制是站点质量的长期下降,这种下降持续了62年。但是,在再生长期间,被砍伐和烧毁的森林迅速变成了一个净碳汇,在6年后存储了0.53 Mg C ha(-1)yr(-1)。在24岁和50岁年龄段分别记录了最大的生态系统净产量(1.35 Mg C ha(-1)yr(-1)和年度C增量(0.95 Mg C ha(-1)yr(-1))。分别站立。在试验林地中,净初级生产平均为5.19 Mg C ha(-1)yr(-1),从6年到50年增加了<10%。土壤异养呼吸在林分年龄之间变化更大,范围从6岁林分中的3.85 Mg C ha(-1)yr(-1)到68年中的4.56 Mg C ha(-1)yr(-1)。岁的立场。这些结果表明,几十年前在该地区广泛分布的采伐和火灾扰动引起了场地质量和演替状态的变化,这些变化继续限制了森林C的储存速度。



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