首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology >Population pharmacokinetics of nevirapine in an unselected cohort of HIV-1-infected individuals.

Population pharmacokinetics of nevirapine in an unselected cohort of HIV-1-infected individuals.


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AIMS: To study the population pharmacokinetics of nevirapine and to identify relationships between patient characteristics and pharmacokinetics in an unselected population of patients attending our outpatient clinic. METHODS: Ambulatory HIV-1-infected patients from the outpatient clinic of the Slotervaart Hospital who were being treated with a nevirapine-containing regimen were included. During each visit, blood samples were collected for the determination of nevirapine plasma concentrations and clinical chemistry parameters. Variables that were collected at baseline were serology for hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) viruses, liver enzymes, and total bilirubin (TBR). In addition, information about concomitant use of St John's wort and patient demographics were included. The pharmacokinetics of nevirapine were described by first-order absorption and elimination using nonlinear mixed effect modelling (NONMEM V1.1). Population pharmacokinetic parameters (apparent clearance (CL/F), volume of distribution (V/F), absorption rate constant (k a)) were estimated, as were interindividual, interoccasion, and residual variability in the pharmacokinetics. The influence of patient characteristics on the pharmacokinetics of nevirapine was determined. RESULTS: From 173 outpatients a total number of 757 nevirapine plasma concentrations at a single random time point and full pharmacokinetic curves for 13 patients were available resulting in a database of 1329 nevirapine plasma concentrations. Mean CL/F, V/F, and k a were 3.27 l h-1, 106 l, and 01.66 h-1, respectively. CL/F of nevirapine was correlated with weight, chronic HCV infection, and baseline aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT). Chronic HCV and baseline ASAT> 1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN) decreased CL/F by 27.4% and 13.2%, respectively, whereas an increase in body weight of 10 kg increased CL/F by 0.14 l h-1. A trend towards a lower CL/F in patients of the Negroid race was observed. No significant covariates were found for V/F. CONCLUSIONS: The pharmacokinetics of nevirapine were adequately described by our population pharmacokinetic model. Weight, chronic HCV infection, and baseline ASAT were found to be significant covariates for CL/F of nevirapine. The model incorporating these significant covariates may be an important aid in further optimizing nevirapine-containing therapy.
机译:目的:研究奈韦拉平的人群药代动力学,并确定未选择门诊就诊患者的患者特征与药代动力学之间的关系。方法:Slotervaart医院门诊的非流动性HIV-1感染患者接受了含奈韦拉平治疗。每次访视期间,均采集血样以确定奈韦拉平血浆浓度和临床化学参数。在基线时收集的变量包括乙型肝炎(HBV)和丙型肝炎(HCV)病毒的血清学,肝酶和总胆红素(TBR)。此外,还包括有关同时使用圣约翰草和患者人口统计信息。使用非线性混合效应模型(NONMEM V1.1)通过一级吸收和消除来描述奈韦拉平的药代动力学。估计了群体药代动力学参数(表观清除率(CL / F),分布体积(V / F),吸收速率常数(k a)),以及个体间,场合间和药代动力学中的残留变异性。确定了患者特征对奈韦拉平药代动力学的影响。结果:在173个门诊患者中,在一个随机时间点总共获得了757奈韦拉平血浆浓度,并获得了13位患者的完整药代动力学曲线,从而得出了1329奈韦拉平血浆浓度的数据库。平均CL / F,V / F和k a分别为3.27 l h-1、106 l和01.66 h-1。奈韦拉平的CL / F与体重,慢性HCV感染和基线天冬氨酸转氨酶(ASAT)相关。慢性HCV和基线ASAT> 1.5 x正常上限(ULN)分别使CL / F降低27.4%和13.2%,而体重增加10 kg可使CL / F增加0.14 l h-1。观察到黑人种族患者的CL / F降低的趋势。没有发现V / F的显着协变量。结论:我们的人群药代动力学模型充分描述了奈韦拉平的药代动力学。体重,慢性HCV感染和基线ASAT是奈韦拉平CL / F的重要协变量。包含这些重要协变量的模型可能对进一步优化含奈韦拉平的治疗有重要帮助。



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