首页> 外文期刊>Biogeosciences >Distribution of the Fukushima-derived radionuclides in seawater in the Pacific off the coast of Miyagi, Fukushima, and Ibaraki Prefectures, Japan

Distribution of the Fukushima-derived radionuclides in seawater in the Pacific off the coast of Miyagi, Fukushima, and Ibaraki Prefectures, Japan


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The activities of artificial radionuclides in seawater samples collected off the coast of Miyagi, Fukushima, and Ibaraki Prefectures were measured as part of a monitoring program initiated by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Sports, Science and Technology immediately after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The spatial and temporal distributions of those activities are summarized herein. The activities of strontium-90, iodine-131, cesium-134 and -137 (i.e. ~(90)Sr, ~(131)I, ~(134)Cs, and ~(137)Cs) derived from the accident were detected in seawater samples taken from areas of the coastal ocean adjacent to the power plant. No ~(131)I was detected in surface waters (≤5m depth) or in intermediate and bottom waters after 30 April 2011. Strontium-90 was found in surface waters collected from a few sampling stations in mid-August 2011 to mid-December 2011. Temporal changes of ~(90)Sr activity in surface waters were evident, although the ~(90)Sr activity at a given time varied widely between sampling stations. The activity of ~(90)Sr in surface waters decreased slowly over time, and by the end of December 2011 had reached background levels recorded before the accident. Radiocesium, ~(134)Cs and ~(137)Cs, was found in seawater samples immediately after the accident. There was a remarkable change in radiocesium activities in surface waters during the first 7 months (March through September 2011) after the accident; the activity reached a maximum in the middle of April and thereafter decreased exponentially with time. Qualitatively, the distribution patterns in surface waters suggested that in early May radiocesium-polluted water was advected northward; some of the water then detached and was transported to the south. Two water cores with high ~(137)Cs activity persisted at least until July 2011. In subsurface waters radiocesium activity was first detected in the beginning of April 2011, and the water masses were characterized by σ_t (an indicator of density) values of 25.5–26.5. From 9–14 May to 5–16 December 2011, the depths of the water masses increased with time, an indication that deepening of the isopycnal surfaces with time can be an important mechanism for the transport of radiocesium downward in coastal waters. During 4–21 February 2012, the water column became vertically homogeneous, probably because of convective mixing during the winter; the result was nearly constant values of radiocesium activity throughout the water column from the surface to the bottom (~200m depth) at each station.
机译:在福岛第一核电之后,日本教育,体育,科学和技术部启动了一项监测计划,对在宫城县,福岛县和茨城县附近海岸采集的海水样品中的人造放射性核素进行了测量。工厂事故。这些活动的空间和时间分布在此进行了总结。检测出事故中锶90,碘131,铯134和-137的活性(即〜(90)Sr,〜(131)I,〜(134)Cs和〜(137)Cs)。取自邻近发电厂的沿海海洋区域的海水样品。在2011年4月30日之后的地表水(≤5m深度)或中层和底层水中均未检测到〜(131)I。2011年8月中旬至12月中旬从几个采样站收集的地表水中未发现锶90。 2011.地表水中〜(90)Sr活性的时间变化是明显的,尽管给定时间的〜(90)Sr活性在采样站之间存在很大差异。随着时间的推移,地表水中〜(90)Sr的活性逐渐降低,到2011年12月底已达到事故发生前的背景水平。事故发生后立即在海水样品中发现了放射性铯〜(134)Cs和〜(137)Cs。事故发生后的前七个月(2011年3月至2011年9月),地表水中的放射性铯活动发生了显着变化。活动在4月中旬达到最高,然后随时间呈指数下降。从质的角度来看,地表水的分布模式表明,5月初,放射性铯污染的水向北平流。然后一些水分离出来并被输送到南部。两个具有高〜(137)Cs活性的水核至少持续到2011年7月。在地下水域,最早于2011年4月开始检测到放射性铯的活性,其水团的σ_t(密度指标)值为25.5。 –26.5。从2011年5月9日至14日至12月5日至16日,水团的深度随时间增加,这表明等深面随时间的加深可能是沿海地区放射性铯向下传输的重要机制。在2012年2月4日至21日,水柱在垂直方向上变得均匀,这可能是由于冬季的对流混合所致。结果是每个站的水柱从地表到底部(约200m深度)的放射性铯活性值几乎恒定。



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