首页> 外文期刊>Biogeochemistry >The role of nitrogen in climate change and the impacts of nitrogen-climate interactions in the United States: foreword to thematic issue

The role of nitrogen in climate change and the impacts of nitrogen-climate interactions in the United States: foreword to thematic issue


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Producing food, transportation, and energy for seven billion people has led to large and widespread increases in the use of synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizers and fossil fuel combustion, resulting in a leakage of N into the environment as various forms of air and water pollution. The global N cycle is more severely altered by human activity than the global carbon (C) cycle, and reactive N dynamics affect all aspects of climate change considerations, including mitigation, adaptation, and impacts. In this special issue of Biogeochemistry, we present a review of the climate-nitrogen interactions based on a technical report for the United States National Climate Assessment presented as individual papers for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, agriculture and human health within the US. We provide a brief overview of each of the paper's main points and conclusions is presented in this foreword summary.



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