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Low-gradient outlet glaciers lice streams?) drained the Laurentide ice sheet


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Observations of geomorphic features dated with cosmogenic nuclides are used to determine the configuration of glaciation in Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island, during the last glacial maximum. Cumberland Sound, which was a major drainage of the Laurentide Ice Sheet at its northeastern (Arctic Canada) margin, contained low-gradient ice with a surface slope of similar to0.03 degrees and a driving stress between 2 and 7 kPa. These values are similar to those observed for the ice streams that dominate the dynamics of the West Antarctic ice sheet today. The presence of low-gradient ice in Cumberland Sound and other major outlets may similarly have influenced Laurentide ice sheet behavior and would account for the iceberg discharge episodes that produced the Heinrich-event debris layers observed in North Atlantic ocean sediments. [References: 24]
机译:观测到具有宇宙成因核素的地貌特征可用于确定最后一次冰川最大期在巴芬岛坎伯兰桑德的冰川构造。 Cumberland Sound是Laurentide冰盖在东北(加拿大北极地区)边缘的主要排水通道,其中包含低梯度冰,其表面坡度接近0.03度,驱动应力在2kPa至7kPa之间。这些值与在当今西极南极冰原动力学中占主导地位的冰流观测到的值相似。坎伯兰峡湾和其他主要出口处低梯度冰的存在可能也同样影响了洛朗德冰盖的行为,并解释了北冰洋沉积物中观察到的产生冰山事件碎片的冰山泄水事件。 [参考:24]



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