首页> 外文期刊>European journal of mass spectrometry >Determination of traces of uranium and thorium in titanium and copper used for the construction of the Russian Emission Detector 100 by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Determination of traces of uranium and thorium in titanium and copper used for the construction of the Russian Emission Detector 100 by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry


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The Russian Emission Detector 100 (RED-100) under construction at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) is designed to detect the presently undiscovered effect of coherent neutrino scattering. One of the factors limiting the sensitivity of the detector is the spontaneous decay of uranium and thorium in the detector materials. Radioactive impurities in detector materials at levels of parts per billion can significantly affect the sensitivity. Five random samples of titanium and one of copper-from materials used in the construction of the detector were selected for assay. The concentrations of Th-232 and U-238 were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in solid titanium using both solutions in acids and direct sampling by laser ablation (LA-ICP-MS). The LA-ICP-MS method allowed us to determine U-238 and Th-232 at subnanogram per gram levels. This method is much faster than ICP-MS with liquid injection. The titanium samples studied have impurities in the range between 1 ng g(-1) and 21 ng g(-1) for U-238 and 3 ng g(-1) and 31 ng g(-1) for Th-232. In copper we set upper limits of 0.4 ng g(-1) for U-238 and 1 ng g(-1) for Th-232. The total activity of the cryostat constructed from the materials studied was estimated to be 43 Bq.
机译:国立研究核大学MEPhI(莫斯科工程物理研究所)正在建造的俄罗斯排放检测器100(RED-100)旨在检测目前未发现的相干中微子散射效应。限制探测器灵敏度的因素之一是探测器材料中铀和th的自发衰减。检测器材料中的放射性杂质含量达到十亿分之几会严重影响灵敏度。选择了用于检测器的五个随机的钛样品和一种铜材料。 Th-232和U-238的浓度是通过电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)在固体钛中使用酸溶液和通过激光烧蚀直接采样(LA-ICP-MS)进行测量的。 LA-ICP-MS方法使我们能够确定亚克分子/克水平的U-238和Th-232。此方法比采用液体注射的ICP-MS快得多。对于U-238,研究的钛样品中的杂质在1 ng g(-1)和21 ng g(-1)之间,对于Th-232,其杂质在3 ng g(-1)和31 ng g(-1)之间。对于铜,我们将U-238的上限设置为0.4 ng g(-1),将Th-232的上限设置为1 ng g(-1)。由研究材料制成的低温恒温器的总活性估计为43 Bq。



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