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Reliable Measurement and Traceable Documentation of pH Values


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Using pH meters shows how large the gap can be between theory and practice. Although GLP- or ISO-compliant documentation of measured data is the standard today in most laboratories and is automatically supported by many lab instruments as an expected feature, a closer look at their data logs reveals missing data, which compromises the complete traceability of the results. The reason is that the pH meter and sensor, or electrode, are two components of one system, which deliver the result of a measurement, the pH, only when operated in conjunction. With the new DocuClip and DocuMeter, the laboratory equipment provider Sartorius has solved this problem in a convincingly simple way. Inseparably attached to the pH electrode, the Sartorius DocuClip saves and identifies the type designation and serial number of its "own" electrode. Moreover, DocuClip securely stores the data of up to five complete calibration datasets in its "rolling memory". As soon as DocuClip is connected to the DocuMeter, the electrode data available in the DocuClip are transmitted to the DocuMeter, which uses these data for measurement evaluation and meticulous data recording. Updated calibration data are written to DocuClip's memory where they are irreversibly linked to the matching electrode.
机译:使用pH计可显示理论与实践之间的差距有多大。尽管在大多数实验室中,如今符合GLP或ISO标准的测量数据文档已成为标准,并且已被许多实验室仪器自动支持为预期功能,但仔细查看其数据日志会发现丢失的数据,从而损害了结果的完整可追溯性。原因是pH计和传感器或电极是一个系统的两个组成部分,只有结合使用时,它们才能提供pH的测量结果。借助新的DocuClip和DocuMeter,实验室设备提供商Sartorius以令人信服的简单方式解决了这一问题。 Sartorius DocuClip与pH电极密不可分,可以保存并标识其“自有”电极的类型名称和序列号。此外,DocuClip将多达五个完整校准数据集的数据安全地存储在其“滚动存储器”中。一旦将DocuClip连接到DocuMeter,DocuClip中可用的电极数据就会传输到DocuMeter,DocuMeter将这些数据用于测量评估和精细的数据记录。更新后的校准数据被写入DocuClip的存储器,在该存储器中不可逆地链接到匹配电极。



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