首页> 外文期刊>Geoderma: An International Journal of Soil Science >Functional substrate biodiversity of cultivated and uncultivated Ahorizons of vertisols in NW New South Wales

Functional substrate biodiversity of cultivated and uncultivated Ahorizons of vertisols in NW New South Wales


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Concern over the effects of anthropogenic activities on soil 'quality' has fuelled efforts to identify and measure those factors that affect soil quality. Soil microbial diversity is one of many possible factors. Our objective was to compare the functional diversity of microbial communities in the A horizons of cultivated and uncultivated vertisols in NW New South Wales. Samples from two cultivated and two uncultivated sites were tested using the community level physiological profiles (CLPP) method. Substrate richness, the rate of substrate use and the diversity of substrate use, as measured by the Shannon index, were significantly larger in the uncultivated sites than in the cultivated sites. The CLPP also indicated a higher rate of substrate use in the uncultivated sites, although this may have been due to greater initial inoculum densities. When diversity values for each site were compared with several soil physical and chemical properties, a relationship between organic carbon and functional diversity was apparent. The fit to a broken-stick model showed that diversity increased up to 1.76% organic carbon and remained constant above that value. The implications of these results for soil quality will depend upon future investigations on the significance of soil microbial diversity as a component of soil quality.
机译:对人为活动对土壤“质量”的影响的担忧促使人们努力确定和衡量那些影响土壤质量的因素。土壤微生物多样性是许多可能的因素之一。我们的目标是比较新南威尔士州西北部已耕种和未耕种杂种动物在A视野中微生物群落的功能多样性。使用社区水平生理概况(CLPP)方法测试了两个栽培地点和两个未栽培地点的样品。通过香农指数测得,未耕地的底物丰富度,底物使用率和底物使用多样性显着大于未耕地。 CLPP还表明未培养部位的底物利用率较高,尽管这可能是由于较高的初始接种密度所致。将每个地点的多样性值与几种土壤物理和化学性质进行比较后,有机碳与功能多样性之间的关系就显而易见了。对折断模型的拟合表明,多样性增加了高达1.76%的有机碳,并在该值之上保持恒定。这些结果对土壤质量的影响将取决于对土壤微生物多样性作为土壤质量组成部分的重要性的未来研究。



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