首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society >Theoretical Studies on Mechanism and Kinetics of the Hydrogen-Abstraction Reaction of CF3CH2CHO with OH Radicals

Theoretical Studies on Mechanism and Kinetics of the Hydrogen-Abstraction Reaction of CF3CH2CHO with OH Radicals


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The hydrogen abstraction reaction of CF3CH2CHO + OH has been studied theoretically by dual-level direct dynamics method. Two stable conformers, trans- and CW-CF3CH2CHO, have been located, and there are four distinct OH hydrogen-abstraction channels from t-CF3CH2CHO and two channels from c-CF3CH2CHO. The required potential energy surface information for the kinetic calculation was obtained at the MCG3-MPWB// M06-2X/aug-cc-pVDZ level. The rate constants, which were calculated using improved canonical transition-state theory with small-curvature tunneling correction (ICVT/SCT) were fitted by a four-parameter Arrhenius equation. It is shown that the reaction proceeds predominantly via the H-abstraction from the -CHO group over the temperature range 200-2000 K. The calculated rate constants were in good agreement with the experimental data between 263 and 3 5 8 K.
机译:通过双级直接动力学理论研究了CF3CH2CHO + OH的氢提取反应。已经找到了两个稳定的构象异构体,反式和CW-CF3CH2CHO,并且有来自t-CF3CH2CHO的四个不同的OH氢吸氢通道和来自c-CF3CH2CHO的两个通道。在MCG3-MPWB // M06-2X / aug-cc-pVDZ级别获得了动力学计算所需的势能面信息。速率常数由四参数Arrhenius方程拟合,该常数使用改进的规范过渡态理论和小曲率隧道校正(ICVT / SCT)计算得出。结果表明,反应主要是通过在200-2000 K的温度范围内从-CHO基团中进行H抽提而进行的。计算的速率常数与263和3 5 8 K之间的实验数据非常吻合。



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