首页> 外文期刊>Genes, brain, and behavior >A phenotypic and molecular characterization of the fmr1-tm1Cgr Fragile X mouse.

A phenotypic and molecular characterization of the fmr1-tm1Cgr Fragile X mouse.


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Fragile X Syndrome is the most common form of inherited mental retardation. It is also known for having a substantial behavioral morbidity, including autistic features. In humans, Fragile X Syndrome is almost always caused by inactivation of the X-linked FMR1 gene. A single knockout mouse model, fmr1-tm1Cgr, exists. In this report we further characterize the cognitive and behavioral phenotype of the fmr1-tm1Cgr Fragile X mouse through the use of F1 hybrid mice derived from two inbred strains (FVB/NJ and C57BL/6J). Use of F1 hybrids allows focus on the effects of the fmr1-tm1Cgr allele with reduced influence from recessive alleles present in the parental inbred strains. We find that the cognitive phenotype of fmr1-tm1Cgr mice, including measures of working memory and learning set formation that are known to be seriously impacted in humans with Fragile X Syndrome, are essentially normal. Further testing of inbred strains supports this conclusion. Thus, any fmr1-tm1Cgr cognitive deficit is surprisingly mild or absent. There is, however, clear support presented for a robust audiogenic seizure phenotype in all strains tested, as well as increased entries into the center of an open field. Finally, a molecular examination of the fmr1-tm1Cgr mouse shows that, contrary to common belief, it is not a molecular null. Implications of this finding for interpretation of the phenotype are discussed.
机译:脆性X综合征是遗传性智力低下的最常见形式。还已知其具有大量的行为发病率,包括自闭症特征。在人类中,脆性X综合征几乎总是由X连锁FMR1基因失活引起的。存在单个基因敲除小鼠模型fmr1-tm1Cgr。在本报告中,我们通过使用衍生自两个自交系(FVB / NJ和C57BL / 6J)的F1杂种小鼠,进一步表征了fmr1-tm1Cgr脆弱X小鼠的认知和行为表型。 F1杂种的使用可以专注于fmr1-tm1Cgr等位基因的影响,而减少了亲本近交菌株中隐性等位基因的影响。我们发现fmr1-tm1Cgr小鼠的认知表型,包括工作记忆和学习集形成的措施,已知在患有脆性X综合征的人中会受到严重影响,基本上是正常的。自交系的进一步测试支持这一结论。因此,任何fmr1-tm1Cgr认知缺陷都令人惊讶地轻度或不存在。但是,对于所有测试菌株中的稳健的音源性癫痫发作表型,以及进入开放视野中心的条目增多,都提供了明确的支持。最后,对fmr1-tm1Cgr小鼠进行的分子检查表明,与通常的看法相反,它不是分子无效的分子。讨论了这一发现对表型的解释的含义。



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