首页> 外文期刊>Genetics: A Periodical Record of Investigations Bearing on Heredity and Variation >Indirect Genetic Effects for Survival in Domestic Chickens (Gallus gallus) Are Magnified in Crossbred Genotypes and Show a Parent-of-Origin Effect

Indirect Genetic Effects for Survival in Domestic Chickens (Gallus gallus) Are Magnified in Crossbred Genotypes and Show a Parent-of-Origin Effect


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Through social interactions, individuals can affect one another's phenotype. The heritable effect of an individual on the phenotype of a conspecific is known as an indirect genetic effect (IGE). Although IGEs can have a substantial impact on heritable variation and response to selection, little is known about the genetic architecture of traits affected by IGEs. We studied IGEs for survival in domestic chickens (Gallus gallus), using data on two purebred lines and their reciprocal cross. Birds were kept in groups of four. Feather pecking and cannibalism caused mortality, as beaks were kept intact. Survival time was shorter in crossbreds than in purebreds, indicating outbreeding depression and the presence of nonadditive genetic effects. IGEs contributed the majority of heritable variation in crossbreds (87 and 72%) and around half of heritable variation in purebreds (65 and 44%). There was no evidence of dominance variance, neither direct nor indirect. Absence of dominance variance in combination with considerable outbreeding depression suggests that survival is affected by many loci. Direct-indirect genetic correlations were moderately to highly negative in crossbreds (-0.37 +/- 0.17 and -0.83 +/- 0.10), but low and not significantly different from zero in purebreds (-0.20 +/- 0.21 and -0.28 +/- 0.18). Consequently, unlike purebreds, crossbreds would fail to respond positively to mass selection. The direct genetic correlation between both crosses was high (0.95 +/- 0.23), whereas the indirect genetic correlation was moderate (0.41 +/- 0.26). Thus, for IGEs, it mattered which parental line provided the sire and which provided the dam. This indirect parent-of-origin effect appeared to be paternally transmitted and is probably Z chromosome linked.
机译:通过社交互动,个体可以影响彼此的表型。个体对同种表型的遗传效应被称为间接遗传效应(IGE)。尽管IGE可能对遗传变异和对选择的反应有重大影响,但对受IGE影响的性状的遗传结构知之甚少。我们使用两条纯种系及其相互杂交的数据,研究了IGEs在家禽(鸡)中的存活率。鸟类每四只一组。啄食时,啄羽和食人行为会导致死亡。杂种的存活时间比纯种的存活时间短,这表明近亲杂交的沮丧和非加性遗传作用的存在。 IGEs贡献了大多数杂交品种的遗传变异(87%和72%)和纯种杂交遗传的一半左右(65%和44%)。没有直接或间接的主导差异的证据。缺乏优势变异性与相当大的远亲抑郁症相结合,表明生存受到许多基因座的影响。杂种的直接-间接遗传相关性从中等到高度呈负相关(-0.37 +/- 0.17和-0.83 +/- 0.10),但在纯种中则为零,与零相关性很低且没有显着差异(-0.20 +/- 0.21和-0.28 + / -0.18)。因此,与纯种不同,杂种不能对质量选择产生积极的反应。两个杂交之间的直接遗传相关性很高(0.95 +/- 0.23),而间接遗传相关性中等(0.41 +/- 0.26)。因此,对于IGE,重要的是哪个亲代提供父代,哪个亲代提供大坝。这种间接的起源祖母效应似乎是父系传播的,可能与Z染色体有关。



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