首页> 外文期刊>Genetic epidemiology. >An Empirical Comparison of Joint and Stratified Frameworks for Studying G x E Interactions: Systolic Blood Pressure and Smoking in the CHARGE Gene-Lifestyle Interactions Working Group

An Empirical Comparison of Joint and Stratified Frameworks for Studying G x E Interactions: Systolic Blood Pressure and Smoking in the CHARGE Gene-Lifestyle Interactions Working Group

机译:研究G x E相互作用的联合和分层框架的实证比较:CHARGE基因-生活方式相互作用工作组中的收缩压和吸烟

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Studying gene-environment (G x E) interactions is important, as they extend our knowledge of the genetic architecture of complex traits and may help to identify novel variants not detected via analysis of main effects alone. The main statistical framework for studying G x E interactions uses a single regression model that includes both the genetic main and G x E interaction effects (the joint framework). The alternative stratified framework combines results from genetic main-effect analyses carried out separately within the exposed and unexposed groups. Although there have been several investigations using theory and simulation, an empirical comparison of the two frameworks is lacking. Here, we compare the two frameworks using results from genome-wide association studies of systolic blood pressure for 3.2 million low frequency and 6.5 million common variants across 20 cohorts of European ancestry, comprising 79,731 individuals. Our cohorts have sample sizes ranging from 456 to 22,983 and include both family-based and population-based samples. In cohort-specific analyses, the two frameworks provided similar inference for population-based cohorts. The agreement was reduced for family-based cohorts. In meta-analyses, agreement between the two frameworks was less than that observed in cohort-specific analyses, despite the increased sample size. In meta-analyses, agreement depended on (1) the minor allele frequency, (2) inclusion of family-based cohorts in meta-analysis, and (3) filtering scheme. The stratified framework appears to approximate the joint framework well only for common variants in population-based cohorts. We conclude that the joint framework is the preferred approach and should be used to control false positives when dealing with low-frequency variants and/or family-based cohorts.
机译:研究基因-环境(G x E)相互作用非常重要,因为它们扩展了我们对复杂性状遗传结构的了解,并可能有助于识别仅通过分析主要效应而无法检测到的新变异。研究G x E相互作用的主要统计框架使用单个回归模型,该模型包括遗传主效应和G x E相互作用效应(联合框架)。替代分层框架结合了在暴露和未暴露组中分别进行的遗传主效应分析的结果。尽管已经进行了一些使用理论和模拟的研究,但是缺乏对这两个框架的经验比较。在这里,我们使用来自20个欧洲血统人群的320万低频和650万常见变异的全基因组收缩压全基因组关联研究的结果,比较了两个框架,包括79,731个个体。我们的队列样本量在456至22,983之间,包括基于家庭的样本和基于人群的样本。在针对特定人群的分析中,两个框架为基于人群的同类人群提供了类似的推论。对于以家庭为基础的队列,该协议减少了。在荟萃分析中,尽管样本量有所增加,但两个框架之间的一致性却小于同类研究中的一致性。在荟萃分析中,一致性取决于(1)次要等位基因频率,(2)在荟萃分析中纳入基于家族的队列,以及(3)过滤方案。分层框架似乎仅对基于人口的队列中的常见变体很好地近似了联合框架。我们得出的结论是,联合框架是首选方法,在处理低频变异和/或基于家庭的同类队列时,应使用它来控制误报。


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