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Petrogenesis of picritic mare magmas: Constraints on the extent of early lunar differentiation


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Calculations of isobaric batch, polybaric batch, and polybaric fractional melting have been carried out on a variety of proposed lunar and terrestrial source region compositions. Results show that magmas with a generally tholeiitic character-plagioclase and high-Ca pyroxene crystallize before low-Ca pyroxene reflecting relatively high Al2O3 concentrations (> 12 wt%)-are the inevitable consequence of anhydrous partial melting of source regions composed primarily of olivine and two pyroxenes with an aluminous phase on the solidus. Low-Al2O3 magmas (< 10 wt%), as typified by the green picritic glasses in the lunar maria require deep (700-1000 km), low-Al2O3 source regions without an aluminous phase. The difference between primitive and depleted mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges amounts to less than 0.1 wt% Al2O3, whereas formation of the green glass source region requires a net loss of between 1.5 and 2.5 wt% Al2O3. Basalt extraction cannot account for fractionations of this magnitude. Accumulation of olivine and pyroxene at the base of a crystallizing magma ocean is, however, an effective method for producing the necessary Al2O3 depletions. Both olivine-rich and pyroxene-rich source regions can produce the picritic magmas, but mixing calculations show that both types of source region are likely to be hybrids consisting of an early- to intermediate-stage cumulate (olivine plus enstatite) and a later stage cumulate assemblage. Mass balance calculations show that refractory element-enriched bulk Moon compositions contain too much Al2O3 to allow for the deep low-Al2O3 source regions even after extraction of an Al2O3-rich (26-30 wt%) crust between 50 and 70 km thick. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:已对各种拟议的月球和陆源区域组成进行了等压批量,多压批量和多压分数熔融的计算。结果表明,具有一般高脂状斜长石和高钙辉石的岩浆先于低钙辉石反映出较高的Al2O3浓度(> 12 wt%)结晶,这是主要由橄榄石和橄榄石组成的源区无水部分熔化的必然结果。固相线上有两个铝相的辉石。低Al2O3岩浆(<10 wt%),如月相玛丽亚地区的绿色野餐玻璃,需要较深的(700-1000 km)低Al2O3源区域,没有铝相。大洋中脊下方原始地幔与枯竭地幔之间的差异小于0.1 wt%Al2O3,而形成绿色玻璃源区域则需要净损失1.5至2.5 wt%Al2O3。玄武岩提取不能解释这种量级的分离。然而,橄榄石和辉石在结晶岩浆海底的积累是产生必要的Al2O3消耗的有效方法。富橄榄石和辉石富集的源区均可产生云母岩浆,但是混合计算表明,两种类型的源区都可能是由早期到中期的堆积物(橄榄石加顽辉石)和后期组成的杂物。累积集合。质量平衡计算表明,即使在提取厚度为50至70 km的富含Al2O3(26-30 wt%)的地壳后,富含耐火元素的块状月球组合物也含有太多的Al2O3,无法容纳低含量的Al2O3源区。 (c)2006 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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