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The sources of water in Martian meteorites: Clues from hydrogen isotopes


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H isotope measurements of carbonate, phosphate, feldspathic and mafic glasses, and post-stishovite silica phase in the shergottites Zagami, Shergotty, SaU 005, DaG 476, ALHA 77005 and EETA 79001, as well as in Chassigny and ALH 84001, show that all these phases contain deuterium-enriched water of extraterrestrial origin. The minerals and glasses analyzed may contain an initial primary hydrogen component, but their isotopic composition was modified to varying degrees by three different processes: interaction with a fractionated exchangeable water reservoir on Mars, hydrogen devolatilization by impact melting, and terrestrial contamination. Positive correlations between deltaD and water abundance in feldspathic glass and post-stishovite silica in Zagami, Shergotty, and SaU 005 is indicative of mixing of a high deltaD component (3000-4000parts per thousand) and a less abundant, low deltaD component (similar to0parts per thousand). The high deltaD component is primarily derived from the Martian exchangable reservoir, but may also have been influenced by isotopic fractionation associated with shock-induced hydrogen loss. The low deltaD component is either a terrestrial contaminant or a primary "magmatic" component. The negative correlation between deltaD and water abundances in mafic and feldspathic glasses in ALH 84001, ALHA 77005, and EETA 79001 is consistent with the addition of a low deltaD terrestrial contaminant to a less abundant high-deuterium Martian component. The low deltaD of magmatic glass in melt inclusions suggests that the deltaD of Martian parent magma was low and that the initial H isotope signature of Mars may be similar to that of Earth. Copyright (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. [References: 92]
机译:在斜晶石Zagami,Shergotty,SaU 005,DaG 476,ALHA 77005和EETA 79001中以及在Chassigny和ALH 84001中,碳酸盐,磷酸盐,长石和镁铁质玻璃以及辉石后硅石相的H同位素测量结果表明这些相包含来自地球外的富含氘的水。分析的矿物质和玻璃可能包含初始的初级氢成分,但是它们的同位素组成通过三种不同的过程得到了不同程度的修饰:与火星上的可交换分馏水储层相互作用,撞击融化引起的氢挥发和地面污染。 Zagami,Shergotty和SaU 005中的长石质玻璃和辉石后硅石中的delDD和水丰度之间呈正相关,这表明高deltaD组分(千分之3000-4000份)和不太丰富的低deltaD组分(类似于0份)混合每千)。高delDD成分主要来自火星可交换储层,但也可能受到与激波引起的氢损失相关的同位素分馏的影响。低deltaD成分是陆地污染物或主要的“岩浆”成分。在ALH 84001,ALHA 77005和EETA 79001中,镁铁质和长石质玻璃中的delDD和水丰度之间的负相关与向低丰度的高氘火星成分中添加了低deltaD陆地污染物相一致。熔体包裹体中岩浆玻璃的低δD表明,火星母岩浆的δD较低,火星的初始H同位素特征可能与地球相似。版权所有(C)2003 Elsevier Ltd. [参考:92]



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