首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society >Novel Oxooxepane Derivatives and New Phorbic Acid Derivative from Paederia scandens

Novel Oxooxepane Derivatives and New Phorbic Acid Derivative from Paederia scandens


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Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merrill (Rubiaceae) is a climbing plant that is widely distributed in China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, the USA, and Vietnam. All parts of this plant have been used traditionally for the treatment of rheumatic arthritis, jaundice, dysentery, and dyspepsia and as an emetic and diuretic. In previous studies, iridoid glycosides have been isolated and characterized as major secondary metabolites of P. scandens. Their extracts and individual constituents have been reported to exhibit various biological activities, including mti-Helicobacter pylori, antinociceptive, and antitumor promoting activities, as well as xanthine oxidase inhibition and uricosuric effect. The present study describes the isolation of two new 7-oxooxe-pane derivatives having a naturally unprecedented skeleton and a new phorbic acid analog from the aerial parts of P. scandens.
机译:Paederia scandens(Lour。)美林(Rubiaceae)是一种攀缘植物,广泛分布于中国,印度,日本,韩国,菲律宾,美国和越南。传统上,该植物的所有部位都用于治疗风湿性关节炎,黄疸,痢疾和消化不良,并用作催吐药和利尿药。在以前的研究中,虹彩苷已被分离出来,并被表征为scan假单胞菌的主要次生代谢产物。据报道,它们的提取物和单个成分具有多种生物学活性,包括幽门螺旋杆菌,抗伤害感受和抗肿瘤促进活性,以及​​黄嘌呤氧化酶抑制和尿尿排尿作用。本研究描述了两种新的具有自然前所未见的骨架的7-氧代氧-窗格玻璃衍生物和一种新的从草检疫霉菌的空中部分分离出的隐花酸类似物。



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