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The role of hyphens at the constituent boundary in compound word identification: Facilitative for long, detrimental for short compound words


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The current eye-movement study investigated whether a salient segmentation cue like the hyphen facilitates the identification of long and short compound words. The study was conducted in Finnish, where compound words exist in great abundance. The results showed that long hyphenated compounds (musiikki-ilta) are identified faster than concatenated ones (yll?tystulos), but short hyphenated compounds (ilta-asu) are identified slower than their concatenated counterparts (kes?s??). This pattern of results is explained by the visual acuity principle (Bertram & Hy?n?, 2003): A long compound word does not fully fit in the foveal area, where visual acuity is at its best. Therefore, its identification begins with the access of the initial constituent and this sequential processing is facilitated by the hyphen. However, a short compound word fits in the foveal area, and consequently the hyphen slows down processing by encouraging sequential processing in cases where it is possible to extract and use information of the second constituent as well.
机译:当前的眼动研究研究了诸如连字符之类的显着分段提示是否有助于识别长短复合词。这项研究是在芬兰进行的,在那里大量存在复合词。结果表明,长连接化合物(musiikki-ilta)的识别速度要快于串联连接化合物(yll-tystulos),而短连接化合物(ilta-asu)的识别速度要慢于连接化合物(kes?s ??)。视敏度原理可以解释这种结果模式(Bertram&Hy?n?,2003):长复合词不能完全适合视敏度最佳的中央凹区域。因此,其标识从访问初始成分开始,并且连字符便于此顺序处理。但是,在中央凹区域中适合使用简短的复合词,因此连字符在可能也提取和使用第二成分的信息的情况下,通过鼓励顺序处理来减慢处理速度。



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