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Persons with hepatitis C experienced fatigue as being multidimensional with severity dependent on intensity, duration, and frequency


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The study by Glacken et al adds a new dimension to our understanding of idiopathic and chronic fatigue as a response to illness. Although the study used a grounded theory approach, it did not result in substantive theory,' but did provide an informative description of the multidimensional fatigue experience among people living with hepatitis C.According to Levine, fatigue is a sign that the body is using energy for healing.2 Why then, does fatigue have so many "faces?" Levine would suggest that although fatigue associated with various illnesses may have similar manifestations, its unique characteristics are based on an individual's responses to internal stimuli (eg, the disease process) and external stimuli (eg, social support). Although Glacken et al acknowledge that the fatigue experienced by individuals with hepatitis C is similar to fatigue associated with other conditions and illnesses, the aching felt in hepatitis C is not part of the "universal" experience of fatigue.Study findings remind us of the importance of monitoring the effect of stress on the perception of fatigue. Although interventions are recommended for fatigue, the investigators suggest these with caution because few interventions have been empirically tested. Perhaps most importantly, the investigators acknowledge the primacy of the patient's experience of fatigue. It is important to note that individuals who live with fatigue will tell nurses what works and what does not work for them. Perhaps, attending to the individuals' experiences and their success with interventions will be the best way to develop a science of caring for clients with fatigue.
机译:Glacken等人的研究为我们对特发性和慢性疲劳作为对疾病的反应的理解增加了新的维度。尽管这项研究使用了扎根的理论方法,但它并没有产生实质性的理论'',但确实提供了丙型肝炎患者多维疲劳经历的丰富信息描述。莱文说,疲劳是身体正在消耗能量的标志。 2那么,为什么疲劳会有这么多的“面孔”?莱文建议,尽管与各种疾病相关的疲劳可能具有相似的表现,但其独特的特征是基于个体对内部刺激(例如疾病过程)和外部刺激(例如社会支持)的反应。尽管Glacken等人承认丙型肝炎患者经历的疲劳与其他状况和疾病引起的疲劳相似,但是丙型肝炎的疼痛感并不是“普遍”疲劳经历的一部分。研究发现提醒我们重要的是监测压力对疲劳感的影响。尽管建议采取干预措施以减轻疲劳,但研究人员建议谨慎行事,因为很少有经过实验检验的干预措施。也许最重要的是,研究人员承认患者疲劳经历的重要性。重要的是要注意,疲劳的人会告诉护士什么对他们有用,什么对他们不起作用。也许,关注个体的经验及其在干预下的成功将是发展关爱疲倦客户的科学的最佳方法。



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